New Jersey

No power here in Jackson still. No Internet either, I am able to get on with my iPhone when service cooperates. Having to run generator constantly for the one week old baby chicks. Spent an hour on line last night for gas. No school and my middle son is running high fevers, his norm. Highest was 105.8. Ugh of all times. My husband has been at work almost constantly and I tired of babysitting neighborhood kids just because we have Xbox. Thank you for letting me whine. On a better note, coop protected girls well and they have even given me six eggs a day. How have the rest of you made out?
im in Jackson and ive had power since Wednesday and my birds r doing good but i giant tree fell on one of the barns and destroyed some of my LF outdoor pens :(
im in Jackson and ive had power since Wednesday and my birds r doing good but i giant tree fell on one of the barns and destroyed some of my LF outdoor pens :( 

Sorry to hear about the barns. We just got power back today after 3:00. First time since Monday I have seen the news. Wow. That's all I can say. The little week olds are good. When I had to shut down the generator and leave them, I used those "hot hands" hand warmer's from SAMs club. Did the job, they actually looked a little too warn. Hope everyone faired well. Check in everyone.
Hello everyone,
I just got power back last night, but I have no Internet. I am accessing Internet through my friends house. My house was very close to being flooded, but luckily, no damage or flooding was done. The houses around me however, have a different story. It brakes my heart to have to drive around town every day and see all these people with damaged homes, or no homes at all. So many terrible things happened in my area, that I am heartbroken. I feel so bad for my friend who lived in the barrier islands, who can't even return home. This storm has done so much damage and hurt so many people. I hope you all are ok and I hope you haven't had to witness the damage that I have seen.
Came through safe, but no power. Trees down everywhere. No internet, but I am at a friend's house for a few days, getting warm and using their internet. House is freezing - sent my mom to Houston to my brother's to get warm. Word on the street is that we'll have power back on Wednesday, but with the other storm coming, who knows? So sorry to see the pictures of the shore - glad you're all ok.
I got my power back last night FINALLY!!!! 11 days. We woke yesterday to a 51 degree house so it couldn't have been more welcomed. I never want to eat another noodle, can of soup, plate of pancakes, bowl of oatmeal, or peanut butter sandwich as long as i live!

I spent most of the storm week shoveling the inside of my patents house out in Bay Head. What an awful gut wrenching mess.

We came through ok and so did our chickens. They were freaked out and frustrated to be cooped up for so long but at least they were safe.

Yesterday evening i heard a commotion out back and ran out to find our Polish chicken killed. I think it was a stray cat. Now i feel horrible for saying she irritated me a page back :( I'm thinking a cat because it was dusk and i don't think it was dark enough for nocturnal animals to be out yet. I guess free ranging is just not in our little flocks cards. We're constructing a run this weekend. I wonder if they'll be annoyed by being contained like trying to keep an outdoor cat inside. At least they'll be safe.

So we have room for one more chicken. Any suggestions as to a good layer with a sweet relaxed disposition?
I'm just going back a page or two to catch up on what i've missed and the offers for help to strangers who may be in need is amazing. Each day i'm overwhelmed by people's generosity and willingness to help. If anyone needs vet care or help with their pets please PM me.
Welcome back llandry. Glad you weathered the storm and sorry to hear about your parents house and the polish chicken. What a tragedy for some of these people. I hope your parents can rebuild. We were out or four days, back on for five then off again for two just getting it back on again tonight. I hear you on the food. NO MORE SOUP. I have 25 baby chicks now, French black copper marans and blue, black and splash ameraucanas. I don't know the sexes yet they will only be three weeks on Monday, but I'm sure I can part with one or two if your willing to wait.
So you want a layer? How about an Australorp? I have never had one, but I heard they are sweet, good layers. Jersey Chickens sells them. Sussexes are great too. Very pretty. I'm sorry about your Polish,
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