New Jersey

I can only have four :( so i was just going to get one. Since the other three are between 4-7 months old i wasn't going to get a chick. I didn't like the idea of it being alone for so long till it could be put in the coop with the others. I was hoping for one close to the same age/size. I don't mind waiting till the spring.

Our RIR is only about 4 mon so no eggs yet. Our BR is close to 7 and no eggs! She's a big girl (yes, she's def a girl) and healthy and happy but no eggs yet. Our BO that's the same age started laying at 5 mon. Is this normal?
Njchixs- thanks for the offer for a chick. I just googled some pictures of the breeds you mentioned and they are all amazing!

I'll def keep it in mind if you are willing to part with one.


My husband just brought home a rescue and we know absolutely nothing about raising chickens. I really mean nothing, we feel so helpless and dumb right now. We are in Lincroft, NJ (part of Middletown in Monmouth County). Does anyone know what the laws are here? We should have figured that out first, but we were too worried about what to feed her and where to keep her. Do we take her to a vet to get checked out? Should we build our own coop or get one of those kits?

Thanks so much for the help!!
We got our chickens before we had a coop too. Lesson learned! Do you know an approx age, breed, sex? When you say rescued, what was the situation she was being rescued from? Does she appear healthy? Do you have anything to feed it?

I would get a small coop so you have somewhere to put it. Lawes sells them and so does the hungry puppy and agway which are all out by you. Are you going to keep her or did she just need to be rescued asap and worry about everything else later? Keep in mind they are flock animals and may not do that well being alone.

Give us some more info and we'll be able to help you.
We got our chicks before we had a coop, and because of money and searching, we ended up having the chicks inside, coopless for two months :/ their box got dirty every day, and it was a horrible experience. I will never do that again!
At least you had some kind of coop! I had 8 juvenile chicks in a sterellite bin . They split the water constantly and there was poop everywhere. I would let them outside in a pen, but I would have to catch all of them at the end of the day.
We lost one of our Polish too night before last at dusk as well...something stripped 80% of the feathers and skin off the poor thing but did not kill her....she lived a little over 8 hours before finally passing from her injuries....I did all I could (kept her warm, put sterile water soaked gauze over her injuries and a baby aspirin in water down her beak for pain) but it was too horribly injured......have seen several cats in the neighborhood roaming around since Sandy.....animal control has put out traps but nothing so far

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