New Jersey

My husband are thinking of moving to NC! We are looking at areas around hendersonville, charlotte, and a few other places.

My whole family lives in nc. They moved from Nj 30 yrs ago. They live on lake Gaston in littleton. Will be going there on the tenth as my son is graduating from Campbell university.
So, despite the bad news of losing my goose recently, there have also been some awesome happenings around here as well!

I now officially have a place to live for vet school! I went up to Ithaca last weekend with my mom to look at apartments. I originally had three lined up to see (One farmhouse with a room to rent, a house, and an apartment) but ended up only seeing two of them. Fell in love with the apartment! I will have a decent sized room with my OWN bathroom! I will be living with two others girls who are currently third years. One has a pet cat and the other has a Pomeranian. It is very exciting that I get to live with pets, but don't yet have to pay all the money for them! I will also be bringing my crested gecko and my betta fish. The apartment also has a washer and dryer right in it, and the rest of the apartment is really nice!

My lease starts in June, but I'm planning to move up end of June or beginning of July. I booked a cruise with a friend before embarking on my next schooling adventure! It will probably be that last vacation I go on for a while!

Other than that, I have just 13 days left of work and I cannot WAIT to be done! I work in EMS transport right now and it is a very draining job. We are regularly kept hours after our shift has ended because they don't have enough ambulances on the road to handle the transport volume. My managers are also not very nice to us and we are constantly yelled at and blamed for things that are not our faults. I've been counting down the days until I can leave! Just have to hold out until the end of May now. Finally, the end is in sight!

Good for you! You've waited a long time for this!
Looking for others to help change the zoning laws to allow for a few hens in Denville NJ.
did you go to the law and ordinance thread? It would be good to see what others are doing and have done to get things changed. Maybe somebody who has some knowledge will chime in. Good luck.
Two of the three girls I got from njchix a few months ago have started to lay. The marans lays the most beautiful (some days speckled, some days solid) eggs and our Brahma laid her first egg today. A gorgeous very speckled egg. What's funny is our ameracauna has been in and out of the coop constantly for the past few days and no egg yet. The Brahma walked into the coop, hopped into a nest, laid her first egg, and walked out. The whole time the ameracauna was just watching her like "show off".
Here's the marans- Mrs. Pickles (they vary in appearance daily)

here's the Brahmas- Lorraine
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Two of the three girls I got from njchix a few months ago have started to lay. The marans lays the most beautiful (some days speckled, some days solid) eggs and our Brahma laid her first egg today. A gorgeous very speckled egg. What's funny is our ameracauna has been in and out of the coop constantly for the past few days and no egg yet. The Brahma walked into the coop, hopped into a nest, laid her first egg, and walked out. The whole time the ameracauna was just watching her like "show off".
Here's the marans- Mrs. Pickles (they vary in appearance daily)

here's the Brahmas- Lorraine
Wow, they are very pretty. I have egg envy!!
Zazzle our ameracauna from njchix finally laid an egg. This morning was the first morning all 5 girls laid together. Opening the coop and seeing all the beautiful eggs in one nest was the coolest thing. It made my day. :weee

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