New Jersey

Your kindness and caring has completely turned a life around. Dee Dee can now find joy and discovery and she can bask in your love and feel safe in the world. You have made the world a better place - thank you!
. And thank you for the update - I loved reading it! JJ

Yes, at least one more week....the more initial separation the safer for all and the more they can see and get used to one another first, the better. The intro can be very'll need to monitor for quite some time, not leaving them alone....Sometimes people place the new bird(s) in coop at bedtime so everyone wakes up together - you will have to be there when they wake up and assess what happens......Maybe also lots of treats in the beginning days to keep everyone busy and distracted..... A bird can get pummeled pretty bad and pretty quickly so until you're sure all is well you will have your kind hands full to make sure everybody adjusts well. Lots of posts on BYC with advice as to how to best handle,. You might even start a new thread about this particular subject, complete with a title about about best advice for introducing a new hen, and also with your wonderful photos, to see what kinds of responses you get. Then post a link to that new thread here so folks reading your posts here can follow the new thread too if they wish.
Im new to the forum and just found this thread. Im in Atlantic county, Buena Borough actually. Im still in process of setting up and this weather isn't helping. Hope this rain stops soon so I can get something done
I would love to connect with some other people in the area to see what your doing to raise or flock and share some ideas.
Im new to the forum and just found this thread. Im in Atlantic county, Buena Borough actually. Im still in process of setting up and this weather isn't helping. Hope this rain stops soon so I can get something done
I would love to connect with some other people in the area to see what your doing to raise or flock and share some ideas.
Welcome!!!! I'm a new chicken owner too! Just got my first egg!!! I'm in central jersey so not close but happy to provide whatever advice you are looking for!
Jill is right - introducing a single bird is harder, especially on the new bird. That's why I always try to get two birds at once, so they have someone to "share the misery" with. Your main coop looks big enough for my method, which I have noticed reduces the beatings by a significant amount, if not completely.

Get a small wire dog cage and put it in the coop. This way, the new bird is "in" the flock, yet separate. After two weeks, I let the new bird(s) out just during the day. This gives everyone plenty of time to get used to the way the new bird acts and sounds. There's always quite a bit of posturing on either side of the wire, but they all get bored with it after two weeks. When I let the new ones out for the first time, I give the flock a pretty irresistible treat to distract them. There's some brawling, but not a lot. With this method, I rarely need to step in to stop a fight. I still keep the new bird in the cage at night for a few more nights, then I take the cage away. There will be some squabbles when it's time for bed, but, by this time, the new one is pretty integrated. Just slipping a new one in at night has never worked for me. The birds know exactly who went to bed with them the night before.

Thanks for rescuing her! Good luck!
I want to remind all of the new chicken people that we hold a Q & A session at our poultry show on May 17, at 10am. This talk is primarily an explanation about the show, and how to get the most out of the day, but any and all chicken questions are welcome. Please see this thread for more info about the show.

This is the only adult show left in the state. The 4-H shows are not the same. For those in South Jersey, there is a great show in Harrington, DE, the first weekend in April. (Do NOT plan to come Sunday, for any two-day show, unless you are meeting a breeder for pick-up. They're almost always over by 11am, the sale areas have long since been picked over, and most vendors are only there for Saturday.) Those will be the two closest open adult shows. (And no whining about the distance - most of us who show regularly travel four hours or more to shows - it worth the drive! You won't see birds like these anywhere else!)

Tip: Start writing down your questions as you think of them, and bring the list to the show with you. I can guarantee that you'll forget almost everything you wanted to ask when you're distracted by so many birds. Also, bring cash and boxes. You can't rely on an ATM being available, and buyers are expected to bring their own boxes for purchases.
Hello fellow NJ peeps :) I have my brother wanting me to raise some chickens just for his freezer..He has been wanting more organic meat in his diet. I get that :) I told him I would not do so unless I could find someone to process them for me. I am in Galloway and he is in New Egypt, so if anyone knows of someone it would be a great help. I know he has gotten into organic and I respect that..I kind of wish he would just want to raid my garden. He's my brother and if I can help I will..I did notice the price of organic chicken at!
Has anyone in nj put their chicks in the coop from the brooder yet this "spring"? i have a bunch of 5 weekers that are getting big and bored in their brooder! i know i have to keep them in there for a couple more weeks til they are fully feathered, but if this weather doesn't improve, can I still put them in the coop?

thanks for any input!
Has anyone in nj put their chicks in the coop from the brooder yet this "spring"? i have a bunch of 5 weekers that are getting big and bored in their brooder! i know i have to keep them in there for a couple more weeks til they are fully feathered, but if this weather doesn't improve, can I still put them in the coop?

thanks for any input!

I put nine chicks outside on Friday. They are doing good and are seven weeks old.
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