New Jersey

I’m not far from there! I’m in Lakehurst and from Lacey. It’s funny because they’re noisey as hell out making noise past the ordinance , they have a spotlight that blasts light into my house all hours of the night and her husband is illegally running a business out of the yard

You are very close to me, LowLady! :frow :)

I just moved from Lacey to Bayville a little over a year ago. People have chickens there too. I'll never forget the first time I saw chickens walking across Bay Way and I started screaming to my DH "Honey! There are chickens IN THE STREET!"

Then we started going on long walks and in this one area, there was a dead end street with a flock that was always free ranging in the backyard. I always made him walk past that house so we could see the chickens. There began my fascination with chickens...

It sucks having bad neighbors. I grew up there in Manchester and went to school in Lakehurst. It was always a bunch of redneck hillbillies, ignorant people, and transients from the naval base. The townies from Lakehurst would always be the ones getting into fights in school and bullyng kids. Guess it hasn't changed much...

Have you thought of getting a No-Crow collar? I got one for my rooster, and it did decrease the volume of his crows about 50%. They get used to it after a few days. It's not ideal, but it may help you keep your rooster...
Hi, new member here. Anyone know the laws for Pittsgrove, NJ?

Closest thing I could find online was a regulation for Upper Pittsgrove that says the chickens and their waste would have to be 100 feet from the property line/road. But I've seen a lot of posts from people in Pittsgrove that have chickens so I'm hoping some of you could shed some light on the laws before I even bother calling the township. I just bought a house on about a half acre and would love to get a few (not many, only looking to have 3-6 maximum).
There will be no laws against 3-6 chickens. I have not been able to find the laws online about that either, you may just have to call the township.
You are very close to me, LowLady! :frow :)

I just moved from Lacey to Bayville a little over a year ago. People have chickens there too. I'll never forget the first time I saw chickens walking across Bay Way and I started screaming to my DH "Honey! There are chickens IN THE STREET!"

Then we started going on long walks and in this one area, there was a dead end street with a flock that was always free ranging in the backyard. I always made him walk past that house so we could see the chickens. There began my fascination with chickens...

It sucks having bad neighbors. I grew up there in Manchester and went to school in Lakehurst. It was always a bunch of redneck hillbillies, ignorant people, and transients from the naval base. The townies from Lakehurst would always be the ones getting into fights in school and bullyng kids. Guess it hasn't changed much...

Have you thought of getting a No-Crow collar? I got one for my rooster, and it did decrease the volume of his crows about 50%. They get used to it after a few days. It's not ideal, but it may help you keep your rooster...
I guess it hasn’t changed. Thankfully I didn’t grow up here but I’m starting to see why my bf no longer wants to be here! We thought about the collar but heard stories of deaths from it. I ended up contacting the previous owner. She found out her friend who has 3 acres has been looking for a roo so she’s going to take T. I’m sure he’ll miss his girls but he’ll gain new ones so he won’t be alone. My chIcken addiction started in sept when I rescued 3 from someone who got evicted and then I got a few chicks from t Rex’s prev owner that same time. Then she contacted me in dec or Jan and asked if I wanted any chickens because she was getting rid of her flock. I went to get 4 and ended up with all 12. Then the feed stores had chicks damn chicken math

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