New Jersey

I wondered if that was you standing over on the side. I was sitting right near you in the second row from the back. I got there a few minutes late. And yes, there was a bunch of information I didn't agree with so I talked to a few people privately later on. One thing was the old fashioned farmer opinions and the new backyard chicken people. We're into a bit more pampering I think. He talked about molting and using cat food for protein - I choose not to feed it. And Seven all over the place - I'm iffy with that one and I don't use the stuff. In my years so far I have never had a mite problem by keeping the place as cleaned up as I can. Then again, how could someone raising 50 chickens possibly do that every day. One thing I did take away from the talk was a reminder that whenver we feed them beyond their regular food (like scraps and bread and other goodies) we throw off the balance of their layer food. Mine don't seem to eat very much of their food since they are out on their acreage from 7 am to 6 pm. They only sneak back into the coop to lay an egg and then back out again.
Poor Ellie, she's too much! Mine don't get on the perches all that well either when a lot of feathers are missing. My RI Red LuLu molted fast this year - feathers out and new ones in really fast. I wondered if it's because she's not laying anymore. She can concentrate on one thing at a time

Have a good weekend!
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Sussex County Poultry Fanciers

I am proud to announce that we have over 1000 birds registered!!!

This is the largest number we have had in years - about as many as this year's Cobleskill Show. We are trying to decide where to put everyone now - which is a problem, but in a good way. The auction, the dealers, the food AND the sale cages - of which there are 70 reserved! - may all have to be in the Pole Barn.

Be aware that parking will be in the regular parking area by the greenhouse. There will be numerous events going on that day, so parking will not be available next to the Poultry Barn, except for cooping-in. If you get there at 8:30 or later to coop-in on Saturday morning, you may have to carry your birds up from the parking lot. I strongly recommend cooping-in the night before.

This will be one of the biggest shows in many years for us, and we'll need everyone's consideration and cooperation to help us all have a great day. Looking forward to seeing everyone!!
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!!! UPDATE !!!

The show secretary has informed us there are over 1100 birds registered!!!
All of the show birds are in the regular Poultry Barn, and the auction, the vendors, the sale cages, and the food area will be in the pole barn next door. Please prepare for the weather as you will be back and forth all day. Parking - as it stands - will be next to and behind the greenhouse/conservatory. They are trying to work out what to do with some of the tailgaters, as they will need to have their cars/trucks near the show.

It will be very crowded and noisy, so let's all take our chill pills before we go so we can all have a good time. There may be many non-poultry people who wander in from the Harvest Festival - let's make sure we infect them with poultry madness! (And steer them away from the judges while they are working - they will not know to stay out of the aisle). This may be our biggest show ever, and it's a huge leap from last year, so please be patient with us as we do our best to handle such a large crowd. This, and our spring show, are the only ones in NJ (not counting 4H) and we are thrilled at the large turnout, and hoping to repeat it, thanks to you!
Ahh!!! We were just a few feet from meeting! Hopefully next time! I should have thought to wear a chicken pin or something and let you know in advance

I don't use Sevin either. And I do feed a lot of 'treats' - bird seed mixtures with sunflower seed in the mix, fruits, veggies, grain bread with olive oil, mealworms..and whatever they choose from the great outdoors....but it seems to work out. BJ roo is somewhere around 9 now, but the hens sadly don't last as long for one reason or another - designed to destruct I'm afraid, with what humans have done to their genetics.

One of the Rosedale workers told me they were hoping the guy wouldn't say what he said last year - he said the guy told folks that to kill a chicken you hold its head under water - utterly utterly cruel. I wish I could have heard everything and then given a talk myself to counter the old school (bad) stuff! This actually made me want to give chiken chats myself, if only I can free up from work sometime to do this.....

Ellie now looks like a hedgehog in a chicken body, Still really struggling but I'm keeping her nice and warm and hand feeding whatever I can get into her. Today will be nice out - that will help. I think she's close to turninga corner. Will try to post pics at some point - she is a sight, poor dear. I promised her I wouldn't blackmail her with the photos

Have a good weekend too!

Hey all! Thought I'd introduce myself. I am a newbie chicken owner in Monmouth County. Am planning on driving all the way up to the show next weekend with the family. Totally looking forward to it!

I have 3 pullets right now. Just started chickens in August. We got them at the New Egypt Agway and it has been a pretty unmitigated disaster. 4 died and one is a rooster. Oi vey. So, we are going to be looking to buy a few young 'uns next weekend. We have a 6 hen coop, and I am afraid that 3 chickens won't stay warm enough this winter.
1st of all
. Also wanted to let you know (if you don't already) that New Egypt Agway will exchange any roos you get for hens. We had gotten 5 chicks there and all of them turned out to be roos.
They will place the roos on farms. Only place I know that will do that.
froggie71Thanks for the tip! I was pretty sure they would take him back, but, they are 45m away. Plus, the petting zoo place I put him at, we can visit.

This is a link to the AVMA page on animal welfare. Holding ANYTHING underwater to kill it is unethical and inhumane. If that yahoo is going around promoting that as a way to kill chickens, there are PLENTY of officials I can get in touch with that would be interested in knowing. He is advocating animal cruelty and it is illegal. You can still do something after the fact!

/soapbox off
Monmouth County?!?! That makes - TWO of us! (That I knoe of, at least!) I'm in Middletown, where are you? - Mary

PS - The show is not "all the way" - it's a nice drive! See you there!

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