New Jersey

The number for the NJDA is (609) 292-3965. This is the number I call to have my flock tested for Avian Flu before I bring them to get processed. The test is a free service, but I don't know about Pullorum. They should be able to tell you what to do.

Oh - thanks, sunny. I'm going to write that down right now and put it in my chicken file.
The number for the NJDA is (609) 292-3965. This is the number I call to have my flock tested for Avian Flu before I bring them to get processed. The test is a free service, but I don't know about Pullorum. They should be able to tell you what to do.

Oh - thanks, sunny. I'm going to write that down right now and put it in my chicken file.

Sunny, did you go to that sled dog race yet?
I've already been to two. I'm scheduled to race in two or three more before the end of the season - depending on snow conditions. We haven't been able to train a lot because of icy trails.
But the dogs have done well so far!!!
I've already been to two. I'm scheduled to race in two or three more before the end of the season - depending on snow conditions. We haven't been able to train a lot because of icy trails.
But the dogs have done well so far!!!

That is the coolest thing ever.
I'm actually going to the Pullorum Testing Training class on March 12. There aren't many especially in Burlington County. I only know 1. Can give you more info after the 12th.
Hey Froggie,
Are you taking that class to become a certified tester? You could probably make some decent extra bucks doing testing for folks in the local area. Have you shown birds before? May I ask who you have used, or the name of the one person you know of who does the testing in our region? Lots of shows coming up soon, and I have to seriously work on re-homing a bunch of cockerels. I'm thinking the show sales areas will be a good place to start.

Planning on calling the NJDA as others have suggested, but it'd be handy to know of others who do the testing. Thanks!
The number for the NJDA is (609) 292-3965. This is the number I call to have my flock tested for Avian Flu before I bring them to get processed. The test is a free service, but I don't know about Pullorum. They should be able to tell you what to do.

Thanks for the phone number Sunny. Getting the testing done is at the top of my to-do list, so this is a great help!
Good News Everyone! I got fliers made up for the chick chat! Now if only i can figure out how to get it on here.

Pardon me please everyone....i need to see if this works.


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