New Jersey

OMG this new site is confusing for us ummm errr older peeps. Glad I still have NJ section sub.

Yeah, right?! I am starting to get the hang of it - slowly - but is was pretty unnerving when I went to check my subscriptions and it said I didn't have any! Then, after I located the threads I could remember I had subscribed to and hit subscribe, I returned to the subscription list and it still says nothing! For some reason my list comes up when I hit "edit subscriptions." I am getting emails, so I know they are working.

Still, I was pretty comfortable on the other system, so this will take a bit of getting used to. I try to spend about twenty minutes a day just wandering and seeing what I can find.
I have a small farm down here in south jersey. I am fairly new at this country living, but i love it. We have a horse, three goats, an assortment of dogs and cats, a rabbit and my new loves, ten 20 week old hens. We have americaunas, buffs, plymouths and r.i. reds. We have plenty of space and are looking for some more hens. We are particularly looking for brahmas and australorps. Please PM or email me if you are willing to let some go. Also interested in quail, so keep that in mind. Thanks for "listening" and have a great day.
I have a small farm down here in south jersey. I am fairly new at this country living, but i love it. We have a horse, three goats, an assortment of dogs and cats, a rabbit and my new loves, ten 20 week old hens. We have americaunas, buffs, plymouths and r.i. reds. We have plenty of space and are looking for some more hens. We are particularly looking for brahmas and australorps. Please PM or email me if you are willing to let some go. Also interested in quail, so keep that in mind. Thanks for "listening" and have a great day.

Welcome Augustus! You can also check the poultry show lists - there are always birds available there, although maybe not the specific breeds on your wish list. Also, go to the threads for you breed, and see who's traveling to the shows you are willing to drive to. Good for you for living the dream? You say that you have buffs - of which breed? I used to have buff orpingtons and I loved them.
thanks. I'll have to start checking them out. I have two buff orphingtons. What personality they have. One of them (Sassy) has been the queen of flock since she was a chick. Always first to the door and first to the food. She actually will perch on my shoulder. She is the boss. we love them all. Again thanks for the feed back.
I am hoping you guys can help me out here... We just lost one of our girls either yesterday or last night (not sure which). We put our girls in a coop at dusk and always take a headcount. When we wre missing one we searched high and low but could not find her. We did find her this morning but something had gotten to her. The flesh and feathers were stripped from her head and her gut was completely gone. Very few of her feathers were missing, just around her head and neck and the area of chest. If anyone has any clue what could have done this I would appreciate any help you can give. We live in NJ so we do have just about every chicken predator there is. Thanks in advance.
I am hoping you guys can help me out here... We just lost one of our girls either yesterday or last night (not sure which). We put our girls in a coop at dusk and always take a headcount. When we wre missing one we searched high and low but could not find her. We did find her this morning but something had gotten to her. The flesh and feathers were stripped from her head and her gut was completely gone. Very few of her feathers were missing, just around her head and neck and the area of chest. If anyone has any clue what could have done this I would appreciate any help you can give. We live in NJ so we do have just about every chicken predator there is. Thanks in advance.

I am so sorry - I remember the first time I lost one to a predator. Unfortunately, it has happened to almost every chicken owner at some point, no matter what kinds of precautions we take to prevent it. If no one can answer here, head over to the predator threads and describe it there. Most predators have a pretty distinctive "signature."

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