New Jersey

Awwww... Good for you though! you did the right thing for your flock though :)
And it was really nice meeting you today :)
ATTENTION NEW JERSIANS - where do you get your chicks?! I might just order - but if I could pickup somewhere within an hour's drive, that would be lovely!

I am in Salem County by the way!!!
Hi Boochaces~
I'm also in Jackson (not Jerseychickens) and I just had a hatch of Exchequer Leghorns today. I'll be taking them out of the incubator tomorrow and I have some for sale. I'm also having a hatch of assorted brown egg layers within the week, so let me know if you might be interested in those.
Hi Boochaces~
I'm also in Jackson (not Jerseychickens) and I just had a hatch of Exchequer Leghorns today. I'll be taking them out of the incubator tomorrow and I have some for sale. I'm also having a hatch of assorted brown egg layers within the week, so let me know if you might be interested in those.

I just messaged you!!

Awwww... Good for you though! you did the right thing for your flock though

And it was really nice meeting you today
I know, thanks. And I've learned that the right thing isn't always the easies
easiest. I hit something by mistake and it posted and I wasn't done! It was very nice to meet you too! I was telling my husband all about our conversation. He laughed at the mini window unit a/c but I'll work on him!! My girls don't seem to miss their tails being pulled and seem happy. I will let you know when we have our second coop together. I will call you, I don't want to come when you are not home. Enjoy your weekend!
Wow is it hot. My girls are roaming the yard hiding under the bushes to keep cool. I gave them some fresh, frozen broccoli and watermelon today to help. I bought them a cabbage from the farmers market today that they can enjoy tomorrow. And $5 for eggs, can't wait till I don't have to buy them anymore.
Wow is it hot. My girls are roaming the yard hiding under the bushes to keep cool. I gave them some fresh, frozen broccoli and watermelon today to help. I bought them a cabbage from the farmers market today that they can enjoy tomorrow. And $5 for eggs, can't wait till I don't have to buy them anymore.
Hi - my girls just looked for shade, didn't have any interest in the cool packs I put around their area or the frozen bottles of water. Thank goodness the humidity has broken. I did give them frozen watermelon and some cold grapes, they love those. I tried cabbage, they wanted nothing to do with it. I wonder if they are picky eaters like me. . . .
Wow I can't believe they didn't eat the cabbage. Between Saturday and Sunday, my girls ate a huge cabbage, some ears of corn, a big head of green lettuce and half a watermelon . Plus all the bugs they could find in the yard. They are little piggies. No eggs yet, we are 18 weeks and counting. :/
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Hi Boochaces~
I'm also in Jackson (not Jerseychickens) and I just had a hatch of Exchequer Leghorns today. I'll be taking them out of the incubator tomorrow and I have some for sale. I'm also having a hatch of assorted brown egg layers within the week, so let me know if you might be interested in those.
And :welcome

They are some pretty looking birds, reminds me of my speckled Sussex that was supposed to be a girl. They also look big, how big are they? Hmmm shouldn't of looked at them. I'm thinking now. Lol

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They are some pretty looking birds, reminds me of my speckled Sussex that was supposed to be a girl. They also look big, how big are they? Hmmm shouldn't of looked at them. I'm thinking now. Lol
LOL! That's how it always starts... just looking. I get myself in trouble like that, too!
They are the size of a standard Leghorn, smaller than the brown egg layers. They're about a week old and growing nicely. If you want eggs, they produce extremely well but, like most white egg layers, they tend to be a bit flighty.
PM if you'd like to come and take a look!
Hi all, did anyone experience the nasty storm we had on sat. Evening? Power was out til 9am the next morning. My pool looked like a beaver dam with all the leaves and twigs in it! I was a little worried about the chickens because this was their first storm and they were outside in the run. They did eventually go inside their coop and fared out the storm well. Their was lots of cleaning up to do afterwards, but I gathered some pine tree branches from a neighbor and threw it in the run. It gave a nice clean scent to the run and my chickens loved to peck at the needles. Does anyone's chickens eat pine needles? Mine seemed to love them. They also eat dandelion leaves, clover, grass and whatever else they can forage for besides their regular crumble.

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