New Jersey

Anytime you add birds you will have to deal with the establishment of the pecking order. If you get some new birds I would try to keep them separate for a few weeks to make sure they are healthy, then introduce them, as long as the birds are all close in size. Many posts you can look up about it. As far as the birds go, I saw a Craigslist posting in central jersey for young BR, RIR and a few others. They were located in colts neck. Let us know what you do. Dont beat yourself up over it, it's an accident and if anything you will be better prepared for when they are out.
Llandry, So sorry to hear that. Maybe you can enclose the bottom with wire as they will still be able to peck through it.
Thanks so much! It's so nice having this group out there. Right after i found them, all i could think of was I needed to reach out to you all. I knew you'd understand exactly how we felt. Our poor flock of 2 looks so pathetic. They've been getting spoiled rotten but we're going to get two more this weekend. I really liked our RIR and I think I'm going to take an ameracauna too. We set out a trap last night to hopefully catch the opossum and relocate him.
I had the scariest storm encounter in a long time... Well, there was no storm. The sky got very dark, and my chicks were out in their doggie playpen. All of a sudden, the wind went crazy and chairs, tables, umbrellas, EVERYTHING! Flew into my pool, in a circular motion... I'm not kidding, I think it was the start of a torndado! My poor chicks run almost went flying, and they were almost taken into the air! :( me and my friend had to grab them and put them into their coop, or else they would have been blown away. We were almost taken off our feet! Me, my friend, my mom, and most of all, my chicks, we're scared to death! Tornadoes are extremely rare in my area, and I swear that was either the start of one, or a weak one. I can't believe my chicks were almost taken away, or killed. :( thank God we were home, and they are safe...
This weather has been so crazy lately! You're like an hour from me, and we didn't get any weather like that at all! In fact.... I got rain for about 30 minutes last night, and my friend who likes 15 minutes away from me got nothing!! I just wish this humidity would finally break for a little bit. I wonder what August will hold for us all?
The wind was crazy. It picked up my folded(and flat) patio umbrella, which then opened, and flew across the deck like Mary Poppins was going for a ride.
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