New layer and weird deflated egg

Three more eggs that were normal. One yesterday, and then overnight a rubber egg with a double yolk. Question: is this just a hiccup of a new layer? Just curious if she will outgrow it or if it's something that she will always be dealing with? Should I do another calcium pill?
Question: is this just a hiccup of a new layer? Just curious if she will outgrow it or if it's something that she will always be dealing with? Should I do another calcium pill?
Yes possibly this is the hiccups of a new layer in which case the issue should gradually resolve over time. If not, then while she's actively laying she may need regular doses of calcium to continue to lay eggs with good shells. I find that with hens that need supplementing, 2-3x a week is sufficient, but that may be more (or less) than your bird needs.

If you start with let's say 3x a week, and you get good results, you can try reducing it to 2x a week and seeing if results are maintained. Then 1x a week, and see how it goes, etc. Or if 3x a week isn't enough, increase it to 4x a week.

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