New layer questions...

She is on her way now!
Once a chicken starts laying, do they lay everyday right away? Or may they skip a day occasionally at first? I had a chicken lay eggs 2 days in a row, but now I'm on day 2 of no eggs.
Once a chicken starts laying, do they lay everyday right away? Or may they skip a day occasionally at first? I had a chicken lay eggs 2 days in a row, but now I'm on day 2 of no eggs.
They will skip a few days to rest and regain their color pigments for their egg colors. Laying eggs is exhausting and if your hens did lay an egg everyday, they would live shorter lives.
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I have 3 hens laying now. Some days I will only get 1 or 2, then 3 eggs for a few days in a row. Even when they are laying regularly they will skip a day every so often because it takes about 26 hours to form an egg. So eventually, because of the hours, they will be ready to lay at night instead of during the day and will just skip that day and lay the following morning.
I have an Americauna that was in the nesting box on Monday and sang her egg song (28 weeks old- so first egg) but no egg. Although I did find a soft shell egg outside later that day. Now it has been three days, and she goes in every day but still no egg. She is eating and drinking, and her rooster hasn't left her side.. any ideas> Is she just getting the hang of it all, or should I watch for anything else?
Sorry I'm so late replying to your post. I would say she is getting the hang of it. I have a Buff Orpington (22 weeks) that laid 1 egg over a week ago and nothing again so far. Sometimes it takes them a while before they get on a schedule.
I have 3 golden sextants that are laying. I'll go a few days in a row getting three, then a few days of only getting 2. then I'll get a huge double yolker. I'm hoping they get their act together. It's hard to plan! But I know they're animals, not vending machines. I'll let them work the kinks out. Oh, they started laying about 6 weeks ago.

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