New layer stopped laying- WHY?

Most of my hens had stopped laying too.. even pullets that had just started. Was only getting 1-2 a day out of 50 hens for about a month. This week, however, things are picking back up.. starting to get 6-8 a day. Could the cold weather trigger a molt like behavior, but not actually molt off the feathers?
Erica, she started back up a few weeks later and now the dickens has stopped again, along with everyone else. We went on an easter egg hunt and found a bunch of EEs and Redstars had found spots in the hay loft and barn walls! But now, they all have stopped. We have about a dozen left and then, horrors!, we may have to buy eggs from the store.
It just happened to us with our Astralorp also. Same exact thing, we are hoping that she will start back up again, she is the oldest of the new flock but also still a teen!
I live in Concord, CA and it's been consistently high 80's, but 50"s at night. My Easter Egger is laying every day since she started about 1 mo. ago, but the Australorp stopped and she has been laying every day since she started 3 wks ago.

We have been watching her and looking in the yard for other areas she might be laying, but nothing has popped up yet.
We have a young pullet Buff Orpington that we added to our flock about three weeks ago. We purchased her from a farm in Maine and added she, a Columbian Wyandotte and two Ameraucanas to our young flock of 20 birds for a little better balance on the pullet-roo ratios. She laid two eggs the first day she arrived and hasn't laid since...can't make any sense of it. She's not hiding, no one is stealing and she is not egg-bound that we can tell. Any ideas?

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