New layer taking a long time in the nesting box

Apr 17, 2020
Hello BYC community,
I have a hen that has not laid an egg yet but I can tell she needs to lay one. She is an Asia Black and is 22 weeks old. This morning she made weird noises and wanted to get out of their chicken tractor and back to the coop. This is what my other beginners did before they learned to nesting box in the tractor. So I let her out, and she has been sitting in there for more than 2 hours now. The nesting box is dark and has enough shavings. I tried to comfort her, as leaving did nothing. After a while I gave her some food and water, that she gladly ate. She went back to sitting. I even took her out of the box to see if she was faking (idk) but she just hopped back in. I have know idea how to check if she even has an egg brewing. If some one could please give me some advice, that would be much appreciated.
Since she's a newly pending layer, she might be like this for hours or even days until the first egg finally happens. This is probably confusing for her too, having this urge to find a nest but not understanding what it's about.

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