New Laying Hens & Egg Question


Mar 1, 2023
Hi everyone!
We got our first egg last week, and then I believe my other Khaki Campbell started laying a day later. (Both white eggs) but the blooms are slightly different shades.
I was getting 1 in the morning then the other Bloom shade in the evening. (Eggs on Friday, Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, last lay Wednesday morning) I haven’t got an egg since (Thursday 8/10 & so far today 8/11).

One of the “bloom” shaded I haven’t gotten since Tuesday. I’m not sure which Campbell is laying which egg. As I haven’t been able to catch them in the act yet. Should I be worried if I haven’t seen an egg in a few days?

I bumped up their daily ration on Wednesday morning as they were finishing all their food by 5pm (bumped from 0.3lbs/bird to 0.4lbs). They also have plenty of access to oyster shell, water, grit.

We did have a hawk on top of my coop Wed night so I’m not sure if it stressed them enough to affect their laying. But they’re also just started laying this week (21 weeks old) so maybe it’s expected to not have a pattern yet in laying?

They’re acting normal, eating, swimming, no one is acting lethargic or seems off.
Sorry for the long post - just still new to raising them.

When should I be concerned?
I think what you said a) hawk stress and b) new to laying are probably why I think you are right and should not worry .
I think what you said a) hawk stress and b) new to laying are probably why I think you are right and should not worry .
Thank you, I just like to worry.
The hawks have been annoying. I’ve employed everything I can think of to get them to leave my enclosure alone but every few days they like to sit on top and stare down my ducks.

Next step is adding more roof paneling over the wire top and cry money 🥲
I think what you said a) hawk stress and b) new to laying are probably why I think you are right and should not worry .
When should I worry if they haven’t begun to lay again?

I plan to pick up Calcium Gluconate from TSC tomorrow to have on hand in case I need it.

I tried my best to see if I could feel an egg in their abdomens but I don’t think so? I’m not sure. They’re hard to hold well as they’re very skittish. None are constipated either, vents look clear too.
I suspect they are just new layers and are taking a short break. I would not worry until March. Some ducks take the winter off. Young Khakis, from good egg laying strains, usually lay through the winter when young though. I bet they start back up within the week or you find their secret nest they are laying in.
Thank you and for the response.

I did a deep look through their house bedding when I was locking them up for the night, and I feel like an idiot. Found one egg of each bloom shade (2) eggs total hidden under the bedding in the far back that’s hard to reach from the front that I noticed has been a ‘Nest’ spot 🤦🏼‍♀️

I definitely panicked and went down a rabbit hole 🙃

Now I’m just waiting for my one Cayuga to start laying with her friend

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