New Massachusetts Member


9 Years
Feb 19, 2013
NW of Boston
Hi Everyone, I'm Sandy, and I've been lurking on BYC for about a year and figured it's finally time to say Hello.

My family is from NW MA. Last April, we brought home our first babies from an Agway chick order -- 3 Buff Orpingtons and 3 Black Australorps (Betty White, Lady Gaga, Buffy (later Bob), Sassypants, Beyonce and Dora :))

Bob needed to be rehomed since Roos are not allowed in our town.

In December, Lady Gaga went from a perfectly happy, healthy girl in the morning to deceased in the afternoon. Not a feather out of place, just laid out on the ground under the coop. I had given some small grapes leftover from a fruit arrangement to them in the morning and have myself pretty much convinced that she must've choked on one.

Last August, I brought home two Salmon Faverolles pullets from Keesmom on BYC. They are Nora and Penny and adorable and clownish.

Now, we have our 6 ladies from 2013 who are producing about 3-4 eggs per day even in very cold temps. Yesterday, we brought home 5 new chicks from Twin Cedar Farm, also in MA. We got three Ameraucana and two Swedish Flower Hens. Names are still being worked on . . . but the SFH are Elsa and Greta :))

After picking a roo last year, we were trying so hard to read and research how to not do that again. But, it's like picking lottery numbers when it comes right down to it. So we have fingers crossed that we got lucky and picked girls.

I don't remember how I found BYC, but I'm sure glad I did. I found my SF girls here and I have done so much reading and learning from everyone. It's been an invaluable resource.

We have three kids who keep us very busy with basketball, baseball and horses. We also have two dogs, a Newfoundland and a Pug.

So that's me. I'm glad to be a part of BYC!
Alright Sandy,
great to have you onboard with us
Welcome from my flock and I! I now live in Idaho, but grew up in eastern MA and went to college in Great Barrington. :) Good luck with your flock!

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