new member, bantam fan!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 26, 2014
Rising Star Texas
Hello everybody! I'm from Texas and slightly new to the chicken raising world. I have about 25 one week old cochin bantams, and 5 baby phoenix's. I had several white bantams last year but they all vanished with no trace left behind. I am still learning how to raise, protect, and love my chickens, so any help or advice anybody has will be greatly needed and appreciated.

Welcome to BYC!

Congrats on all your new babies! Sorry about your first flock. You need to keep them in a safe coop and run and build it well enough that predators don't get to your birds.

You might want to stop by our learning center here on BYC for lots of articles on protecting your flock and building a good coop and run...

Definitely check out the sections of housing your flock and maintaining your flock.(the blocks at the top portion of the page) Stop by our coops pages as well for some ideas on some good coops. Many of these are easy to follow and some even have plans....

Good luck with your new flock! If you have any questions about anything, feel free to ask. Welcome to our flock!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Congratulations on the new Cochins and Phoenix, good luck with them! Sorry about your first flock, predators are nasty. TwoCrows gave you some great links to check out. You might also want to stop by the Predators forum for help with predator proofing your coop and run and maybe check out your state thread for chicken keeping neighbors and what they are doing with coops etc
Welcome to YC. Everything eats chickens, and bantams are particularly vulnerable. Construct your pens like Fort Knox.

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