New member! Bobwhite Quail

Yeah, back in the day, when I raised them commerically, I ran about 100 birds to a pen (100' x 150') had a 1:6 ratio male to female. Never had any problems with fighting but did with Ulcerative Enteritus, nearly wiped me out. Fixed that problem by completely re-doing their watering system. Had an old artisan well, pushed a pipe into the side of the well, and had continuously flowing water to all the pens.

Wow, you had a big sized pen! I had 2 avaries, 1 of 100 sq feet I used as a grow out pen and the other was 300 sq feet, more like a flight pen. If I squeezed in too many adult birds of breeding age, I had trouble with toe biting and tail loss. LOL I tried keeping pairs together in the large aviary during breeding season one year. After losing 1 male and then a lone female to territory issues, I decided to completely separate breeders from spring to fall to prevent killings.

Only once did I have enteritis run through flock. Caught it very quickly and didn't lose any. 1 female came close to dying but she managed to pull through. Bobs are so prone to it. Quail Bronchitis too. Sparrows were squeezing in at one corner of the big aviary, I jumped on the treatment with this as well. :rolleyes:
Yep, I raised around 5,000 birds a year. Sold to restaurants, hunting clubs, breeders and sold eggs and butcher birds to local residents.
Your right, Bob's are susceptible to many ailments. If caught early, most will recover. They are also very good at hiding an illness / disease and sometimes it's too late.
Yep, I raised around 5,000 birds a year. Sold to restaurants, hunting clubs, breeders and sold eggs and butcher birds to local residents.
Your right, Bob's are susceptible to many ailments. If caught early, most will recover. They are also very good at hiding an illness / disease and sometimes it's too late.


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