New member from Ragley, La.

Conway Corbello

5 Years
Dec 15, 2015
Ragley, La.
We'really from Ragley, Louisiana, and a friend has given us 30 freshly hatched chickens. Another friend has loaned us their brooder, a waterer, and a feeder. This is our first venture into poultry. These birds are supposed to be all rooster, about half of them are black, and the other half red. We have no idea what breed they are, we plan to feed them up and butcher them, but if it turns out that we have hens (either meat or laying), we may decide to keep a few. They're a week old, and we let them enjoy the sun in the screened section of the brooder during the day, and put them in the enclosed section with the light (100 W flood) with feed and water overnight. We're feeding them 24% chicken starter and put 1 Tbsp of sugar and 1 Tbsp of Bragg's apple cider vinegar / 1 gallon of water in their waterer. We have lost 2 of them, I suspect due to trampling. Any ideas or suggestions?
IS the brooder actually large enough to provide space for 30 chicks. That is a very large number and they grow fast. Maybe you need more feeders and water pans so every one doesn't have to gang up trying to get some.
Welcome to the BYC flock! We are glad you joined us!


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