In the Brooder
Hey everyone I'm Kodi. I've always checked out this forum its full of great info. I live in the city limits and have 5 white leghorn hens for egg laying. They are great. They eat out of my hand and provide eggs for us and our direct neighbors. Since I give eggs to my neighbors they allow me to free range my chickens a bit which stay fairly close to my home. They have a nice coop and a medium run they are penned in at night and while I'm at work. I cut the wing feathers just so they don't clear the run but have no problem going to roost. Here in a month I'm transferring my two best hens to my dads to be bred with his huge red ranger rooster and I'm gonna keep a few chicks maybe get my flock up to 8 birds. Out of the five hens I have one is smaller, has yellow earlobes, and a tiny comb with almost no waddles. The other birds have huge drooping Combes big waddles and white ears. I noticed they don't like the one that's different and I'm not even sure if she lays. But she seems healthy. Anyone know what her deal is? I thought she was a late bloomer but they are about 10 months old. Been laying since July.