New Member in Oregon


Apr 15, 2021
Mid Willamette Valley (Oregon)
Hi, my name is Julie and I live in the Willamette Valley in Oregon. My husband and I moved from town to a place in the country about two and a half years ago and after two years finally replaced the dilapidated old chicken coop and run-down fencing so that we could get some chickens.

Last August we got six five-week old pullets; two Blue Laced Red Wyandottes (Henrietta and Penelope), two Buff Orpingtons (Marigold and Buttercup), and two Rhode Island Reds (Ruby and Scarlett).

Four weeks ago I hatched out nine chicks under Henrietta. The eggs came from a mixed flock with a lot of different breeds so the chicks are all crosses and all different. I don't have a rooster so when both Wyandottes went broody at the same time I spent $4.00 on a dozen fertile eggs and put six under each hen. The next morning Penelope left the coop with the other chickens and didn't look back so I put her six eggs under Henrietta who successfully hatched out 9 of them.

Initially I was concerned that my elderly miniature poodle might have negative interactions with the chickens. He is a sweet and gentle little dog (also toothless) so I was primarily concerned about him rather than the chickens but he basically ignores them and they keep a wary eye out when he is around but have never attacked. I also have an indoor-outdoor tabby cat who is a very good hunter. She has never been a problem with the full grown chickens but I was concerned about her getting the chicks; however, Henrietta has been a very good protector so the cat learned quickly to look-but-not-touch.

I enjoy the fresh eggs but I really enjoy just going out and watching the chicks run around, snuggle with mama, or just grow up. During COVID I'm working from home so it's great to have a reason to get away from my desk and go outside during my breaks.

I have been reading BYC posts for a few weeks now but have decided to set up an account because I expect to need help figuring out the gender of the chicks. I plan to keep two pullets and possibly one cockerel and re-home the rest but I'm not sure at what age I will be able to tell the difference. I won't post pics now because at four weeks old I know they are too young to tell but I'm not sure how long I should wait to post. Because they are all different, and all crosses, I won't be able to compare one with another or with pictures of pure breeds to make a determination, and at least two of them are Silkie crosses which I know are hard to determine gender when young.
Chickens are not allowed in Oregon! :lau I'm kidding with ya. :D

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