New Member Introduction from Easton MD


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 27, 2012
Easton, Maryland 21601
Hi Everyone! First and foremost, I am THRILLED to find people who love their chickens as much as I do. My husband, I am sure, thinks that I am the only one out there who spoils her hens, but that said, he did build a beautiful hen house for me for Christmas 2010, and a roof over their 24 by 18 foot pen last Christmas. In the hen house I have one silver laced Wyandotte, a golden laced Wyandotte, a New Hampshire Red, 3 Ameraucanas, 3 blk Australorps, 3 blk Stars, 2 Barred Rocks, 3 RIR, 1 white Leghorn. All my hens are laying. April 29th I received an order of peeps- 14 Silkies (which I adore) and some different breeds I wanted to try. They included Buff Rock pullets, Silver Spangled Hamburghs (pullets & cockerel), Blk Langshans (pullets & cockerel) and Anconas (pullets & cockerel). After 2 weeks of living in the house, they out grew their space and my husband built me a great pen for them (ratwire and 2X4s)- 4' X 5'X4' so that they could move out onto the deck. After 2 weeks on the deck, yep you guessed it- another pen 8' X 4' X 4', so I could move them out front on the grass and separate the Silkies from the big kids. They both have "play yards" so when I am home, they can be out of their pens. I also let them loose in the front yard to explore, and hang around to make sure we don't lose one to a hawk, or that some of the hens don't mosey over and peck a baby. They follow my feet and we move to new areas of the front yard, in search of bugs. I love my little ladies (hens) but the babies are providing us with so much enjoyment, I love hanging with them. Well, thank you for letting me share. I hope to learn so much from this site, as well as hear about others' chicken experiences.
from Alabama. Glad you joined us.
Hello and :welcome

Glad to have you on board!
You husband sounds a bit like my father, he's always scorning at how we spoil the chickens, but oftentimes we find him down near the coop, chatting to the hens as he's gardening. :p

Don't hesitate to ask any questions you might have, and enjoy the site :D

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