New Member, Wanted to Share my Chicken Coop (pictures)


8 Years
May 9, 2011
West Michigan
We are in the process of building our first chicken coop. Our chicken do not arrive until the end of June but we want to make sure it's ready for them. I have spend a lot of time on here looking at the the great chicken coop and all the great information. So i thought i would share what we have so far.






These are my two little helpers. Who are very excited for the chicken to arrive.
great job...your boys are adorable and going to LOVE their chicks. i have a 3 year old and every day he looks for bugs, worms to give his chicks. he also feeds them everyday and takes his duties VERY seriously.
Lovely! As you're finishing it out, don't forget to include at least 1 square foot of ventilation per chicken!

Nice work! And 6 weeks before you even get the chicks! WOW!

My 4 year old grandson feeds the chicks too. When they carry on, he goes to see what's the matter.

Ditto Elmo's comment about ventilation.
Good job. I've been doing the same thing. Chicks duein this Friday. Started on my coop (converting old boat shed) Sunday.
Thanks for all the great comments and feedback. My older son Carver ask every other day if the chicks are in the mail yet. If you ask him what he going to have to do when they get here he says feed them give them water and collect the eggs with a smile on his face. I never thought about him collecting bugs for the chickens. He loves finding bugs and i bet the chicken will love him for sharing.

When it comes to the vent. I have tried to gather as much information as possible. We live in Michigan so summer and pretty hot and winters are pretty cold. We are going to have a ridge vent, 14 by 14 gable vent on each end, 1 by 8 foot vent on the south side (which you can not see in the pictures) that with have a door on it so we con control how much air it lets in, and a 31 by 40 anderson window that cranks open (free from my dad). I would love to know what people think? I hope it's enough ventilation.
Here is an updated picture of the coop. We got the roof done, insulation up, and sheeting up in the inside. Next step is insulating and sheeting the ceiling, framing out the windows and trim. We are getting there


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