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Mar 31, 2016
My daughter accidently squashed our baby chick under the water container. It was maybe a quarter full if that. I'm not sure if he's ok. What can I do for him?
Welcome to BYC - sorry you have come to us under these circumstances, but glad you are here.
How old is the chick in question and what is the size of your waterer? Is the chick currently alert and able to move about? Have you noticed any obvious injuries or deficits? How long was the bird under the waterer?
The best thing to do is to provide good supportive care (warmth, nutrition, hydration and quiet) and monitor the bird for signs of internal injury, etc.
Hes three weeks. Rhode Islam red. It's a gallon. It didnt have that much water in it. Hes moving but shaky. His holds his left wing out. He was under there almost three hours. Hes sitting in a corner by himself
Hes three weeks. Rhode Islam red. It's a gallon. It didnt have that much water in it. Hes moving but shaky. His holds his left wing out. He was under there almost three hours. Hes sitting in a corner by himself

Not sounding all that good with the additional information - that was an extended time for him to be under there. One thing to consider is that while he is recovering (hopefully) he can be further injured by his brooder-mates (intentionally and accidentally) so it can be a better idea to section him off an area all of his own to prevent him from being trampled or pecked on (chickens can be brutal when they sense a weakness in another bird). If I were dealing with this situation I would isolate him in a "hospital" unit of his own so that I could more closely monitor him.

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