New member


5 Years
Sep 28, 2014
Kentucky, USA
Hi i am new to Back yard chicken but not new to raising chickens. I have 21 chicken a mixed bag of Silkies, Buck Eyes, Dominic,Rhode Island reds. I am a disabled vet with plenty of time on my hands to raise chicken and care for them. I started incubating eggs with some good results and not so good results. I love farming it has been my passion for as long as I can remember. Thank you for having me in the Back Yard Chicken God Bless
Welcome to BYC - glad you joined the flock. There is a fairly new thread for people in wheel chairs or coping with other disabilities - to post either giving suggestions for modifying coops, runs, etc to make them more accessible, or asking for such advice. You may be interested in checking it out.
The thread is called "How about a new thread for those of us in wheelchairs?" you can probably get to it quicker if you put that in the search box. Otherwise it is a thread from the "Random Rambling" forum.

You may also like meeting others from your area by posting on your state thread. Go to "where am I, where are you," in the social forum to locate and post or just lurk on your state thread. I have never tried incubation but, I know a lot of very experienced chicken folk often have perplexing results. Sometimes it seems random luck is the only way to succeed. If you have any of the breeds that are known to go broody, that is a good alternative to incubation.

AH, I see you have silkies, they are generally the best broodies of all. Of course they can't hatch eggs unless there is a rooster among them.

Thank you for your years in service.
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. Thank you for your years of service to our country. My brother-in-law is also a disabled veteran (former Marine). Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. God bless you and your flock.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

So glad you could join our community! Make yourself at home here and welcome to our flock!
Thank you so much I will check it out. I have one silkie rooster he is approx 6 months old and crowing. I hatched the baby silkie eggs in my incubator the older they get the prettier they get they look like some one with a winter coat and winter boots. The baby silkies are about three weeks old. I hope they are all hens since I already have a rooster..
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Congratulations on the successful hatch, hope they turn out to be hens for you.
Welcome to BYC!

You will find a lot of good information here. Keep on asking questions and you will get many good answers.

You may also want to read the FAQ below.
Thank you and it was my pleasure and proud to serve our country if ever called upon I would do it again if able to. I am so glad I have knew friends I needed it after loosing my baby turkey last night I know I will enjoy chatting with you guys in the future

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