New Mexico

I had 1 land on my street, well sounds cool but I live in a very congested area in the far ne heights of abq..Got cool picks of everyone freaking
Scared the crap out of my chickens in my yard when they fly over low and give a nice loud pull of funny...
Fyi..We are getting about 40 ameruacana bantams an mille feurs bantams on the 15th of October...if any 1 wants to trade im looking for a pair of seramas and some buff silkie pulets or hens...

be safe abq !! ollie
We had an amazing time at our new home in Corrales last week - took the first load out in the U-haul. Watching the balloons overhead was so much fun and watching them come down to the river was great. At night we could even see the fireworks from our front yard through the trees.

DH finally agreed that I can use a small shed and a carport in the back part of our property as the new chicken coop and run. Exactly how I'm going to convert it is the next challenge. Shed needs a pop door and a lot more ventilation, as well as nesting boxes and an interior chicken wire divider wall so I can use 1/2 for storage. Luckily there is power and water out there already. For those of you in the ABQ area - will I need a heated waterer for winter??

It will be a long two weeks until we go out with the second load and I can get started. Probably wont take the chooks out until our final trip in November, then hope to do some hatching in the spring!
Congrats on your new home. You will probably need heated waterers. I know when we boarded our horse up in corrales that their water buckets would freeze over. Here in Belen they freeze too.
Your new place sounds wonderful! Here in the NE Heights, we just need a waterer with a thermostat that turns on when the temperature goes below 40˚ to keep the water from freezing over night. It's warm and sunny enough during the day that it's fine.
Looks like I will order a heated base for my metal waterer and see how it works! Thanks for all the replies.

I have one hen who just went into a big molt. There are feathers everywhere and if she keeps this up, she will be naked! It's crazy- she really looks pitiful. They are getting extra protein to help, but I hope she grows back some feathers before we move.

Corrales is a great village. We wanted something different than suburbia, and I think we found it.
Caught an apple rustler in my orchard the other day. He was so intent on stripping the tree that he didn't see me out working at the coop. And this wasn't just "I want an apple or two for snacking." This was a manic "How quickly can I fill a 45-gal bag with these gorgeous organic dessert apples?" He split before the police came, but not before I got his name, license number and who he worked for. (I realized later why he was so agreeable to getting caught and interrogated as I came out of the garden area yelling like a banshee with a BIG hammer in my hand from my construction project). After filing my report I went up the hill to his employers to let them know about their light-fingered handyman.
"I have no idea what he was thinking." (How about "I can sell all these pretty apples if I don't get caught"?) BUT the bottom line is he may be doing hard-labor handyman work for you, but he's stealing from your neighbors...and it gives us no great comfort or sense of security to know you keep inviting him back into the neighborhood.)

Anyway, court date is the 5th. Sorry to come across as so heavy-handed, but for those of us that grow things crop theft is akin to cattle rustling.
Anyone looking for a horse? I have an APHA mare for sale or trade. I am selling her as a broodmare only. She is 17 yo and 16hh. Red dun. Really pretty mare but I am unable to care for her more than feed due to job loss. Hasn't been ridden in a few years. Will post pics in a few.

*edited to add picture.
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