New Moustache resolution for 2012!!

Sad news: I shaved my moustache off.

Back to baby face

In the end, there is silence......
Oh noooooooo!

Hubby started his facial hairs already but it is already over a month and a half old. It don't look good. The hairs on his chin grows so slow while the rest of them grow unevenly. I know he had acne in his younger years and frostbitten a few times so I don't know if it has something to do with it. Besides uneven growth length, it is still coarse and wiry just like his hair and it is curling! YIKES! He has natural curls, ringlets if you let it grow. Nope, he has not had any Jewish blood but have German and Scottish.

I've got a mind to tell him to shave it all off. Harder to keep it all even and looks like a moth eaten rug LOL!

AND I don't like kissing a brillo pad. No amount of conditioner is going to help his coarse beard soft.
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and just like in the cartoons,it flew off into the sunset.........

who know whom it will land onto next.

what lucky victim will it live on be it girl,boy or it?

whomever gets it...good luck..and gets eeetchy!

By Gabriel Mendoza

I shaved my moustache as you can see
The refection in the mirror is a baby face-me
Not proud of this moment
I’m in facial hair torment
As my wife shouted out a loud Hee! Hee!

Why did I do this to my manly flair?
My dapper part, my facial hair
My face is a mess
With moustache distress
That looks like I was a victim of Nair

So now I walk with a chilled upper lip
I have no moustache, none, gone and zip
It wasn’t so bad
The look that I had
I’m out of my mind, I knew it doth flip

So here I sit on this chair
Telling my tale, my story of no hair
Woe is me
It cannot be
My heart is breaking, this I cannot bear

So come here and see this abominable beast
And cheer and shout and have a laughing feast
I’ll sit here and ponder
Of moustache of yonder
And think of it no more, tis deceased


By Gabriel Mendoza

I shaved my moustache as you can see
The refection in the mirror is a baby face-me
Not proud of this moment
I’m in facial hair torment
As my wife shouted out a loud Hee! Hee!

Why did I do this to my manly flair?
My dapper part, my facial hair
My face is a mess
With moustache distress
That looks like I was a victim of Nair

So now I walk with a chilled upper lip
I have no moustache, none, gone and zip
It wasn’t so bad
The look that I had
I’m out of my mind, I knew it doth flip

So here I sit on this chair
Telling my tale, my story of no hair
Woe is me
It cannot be
My heart is breaking, this I cannot bear

So come here and see this abominable beast
And cheer and shout and have a laughing feast
I’ll sit here and ponder
Of moustache of yonder
And think of it no more, tis deceased

I just found this thread and was expecting to see massive hair growth at the end of it! I'm sorry about your hair loss, but I LOVED your poem
I love your poem! Gotta use this for FB Civil War reenactors would be bound to be getting the cheers from the ladies and boos from the men LOL!

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