New Octagon Coop Construction Underway - Progress

Plywood all cut and most of it has been installed on the frame. I worked until I ran out of daylight tonight. Will start again tomorrow morning.

T111 plywood is heavy stuff. I'm exhausted.

I love the coop. Great idea with the vinyl floor. I'm going to have to try that. has this been done before? was wondering about the slipperyness of it under chicken-foot.
I am sure the floor will be fine when covered in pine shavings and chicken poo.

And the coop does not need a central support - it is very sturdy. I've been up on that roof and I'm not a small person. It's strong.

I hope to have a LOT of progress to report after this weekend.
Thanks for all the pictures especially of the base. I was at a friends house and they had built a gazebo and I was thinking as I always think awsome chicken coop. So I am studying it trying to get the construction in my mind on how to make one. You have given me step by step instructions. Thank you. Now the only thing I will do differently is I want big windows. Windows that can be wide open is the summer and close in the winter. You two have done a great job and if I can do half as good I will be happy.
Done for today. Could not find the handle for the paint roller, so I took that as a divine sign to stop. The coop is ready to paint, and I'll get on that as soon as I get the paint roller tomorrow.

Some pics for your viewing pleasure:

Interior view of nest boxes:

Chicken-eye view of the exit door:

And a photo of the coop next to the house, so that you can see how the shape complements the octagonal features of the house:

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