New Oklahoman


In the Brooder
Mar 31, 2015
We started raising chickens last year and have just fallen head over heels for it. I had always wanted to, but my husband was a little skeptical. Last year my seven year old daughter got on board and it is much harder for him to say no to her. :) Right now we have 4 RIR and 3 Wyandottes. My daughter even starting showing them. Definitely looking to expand soon.
Thank you! I've been using this site for the past year so I figured I should make it official.
My daughter likes to "rescue" the poor chicks from Chick Days that happen everywhere around Easter time. I'm sure we'll pick up a few throughout Spring.
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. Raising chickens is a wonderful experience for children. My seven year old granddaughter (pictured in my avatar) loves our chickens. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. Good luck with your flock.
Hello, and welcome to BYC!
I'm glad you joined our community.

Sounds like you have a nice flock! It's good to hear that your daughter is enjoying them. Raising and showing chickens is a great opportunity and experience for youth.
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

Chickens and children were just meant to be! I'm glad your daughter is enjoying them so much!
Thank you, everyone, for making me feel welcome.
I enjoyed it as an outsider looking in, so I'm sure I'm going to love being a part of it.

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