New Old member

Mom 2em All

14 Years
Apr 20, 2008
Dora, Alabama
Hello! I’m not new here but I’ve been gone for years. I was a Michigan member but I now live in Alabama.
I’ve just hatched- 3 weeks ago- myself a new flock of chickens. I’m very excited because even though I had chickens for many many years, these are the first ones I have that are legal.
I subscribed to a chicken group on Facebook but got myself banned by suggesting someone s.s.s- and that is all I typed - so I thought I best get back to where I belonged... here.
I’ve proven that I am still great at hatching out roosters. And I think out of seven hatched, five are going to be Roos. I’m a pro! Lol.
I have 13 chicks because of chicken math and tractor supply.
I will post pictures when I figure out how again.
Anyway- hello chicken family. I’ve missed you.

Miss Piggy Sue says, “Welcome back to our eggcelent flock here at BYC!”

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