New pekin duck meets pair

That’s why we only let them together supervised. When they aren’t she’s in a chicken tractor right up next to their enclosure so they can get to know each other. He pulls a couple feathers when he nips at ther neck but nothing violent like he’s trying to hurt her. It’s more like hey I’m the boss.
Sounds like your set-up is good then. Now only time will tell if and when they can be together full time. Even when they're together full time be sure to always check for signs of anyone getting too rough and getting hurt. Good luck!
Same as what has been suggested already on this thread. Set him up with his own space and let the girls meet him through fencing. That is always best when introducing a new drake or duck to the flock. After a few days let them be together and see how they do with each other, that maybe all you'll need to do. How about some pics when you get time.

Thank you! I sure will post some pics 😀
It went sooo great they all settled right in, I was able to let him mingle within an hour of getting him home! Here he is in the pool with Laverne, Shirley is off to the right.

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