(New Pic on 2)Mirror Mirror on the Wall

New picture - He is growing quickly. Does anyone know is it a Mallard or a Rouen??? Thought he was wild but the bird treatment center said his wings are too small - and he isn't wild.

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Still just as cute Tia, What a gorgeous little face.. It could be a hybrid- wild mallard crossed with a domestic duck- being that it was found at the airport- maybe the mother was a wild mallard who had crossed paths with a domestic duck while laying..just a thought...
Thanks. She is just as sweet as can be. Nice soft little chirp... a lot different sound than my runners. I've been letting her swim in the tub and she was diving yesterday... becoming more comfortable with the water. I let her swim with one of my female runners, a couple of times - but the runner had no interest in her. I'm sure she is very lonesome. I am going to keep her, so I hope they adjust when she gets bigger. I would like to know where she came from. Like I said there are very few people with ducks in this area, and the only ones I know of are runners and khakis. But like you said maybe the wild duck mated with a tame one somewhere on the route to Valdez and that is where she came from. She is like a little gift.
Yes, that's a hybrid, but I can't tell what mix, yet. She's cute though!

That first photo is adorable! It's good you gave her a mirror for a companion. That works pretty well for a lot of social birds. I know with rescued killdeer, it's almost essential if they don't have a sibling to keep them company.
to you for keeping her!
Beautiful, sweet looking little thing and WOW she is growing fast(of course ducks do that).

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