New pics of my happy Pekin girls!


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 5, 2014
West Central Alabama
I haven't posted in a few weeks but have been busy lurking & learning more & more from the fabulous folks in BYC's forums! I took some of these photos of Daisy & Sweetpea last week & wanted to share them. I believe they are both girls (hence the names, lol) & they are approximately two months old. While presently housed in my sweet husband's shop, he is in the process of building them a house & then we'll build them a large pen - all this up closer to the house. We do have a lake but the girls don't want to have anything to do with it! We have a Muscovy duck who stays on our lake & we feed her also. Her name is Sammie. She visits w/my girls during the day & raids their food at every opportunity. But most of the time, she's cruising the lake. She has laid an egg in my husband's shop (which he didn't find for we don't know how long!). Anyway, my girls are never too far away from each other & mimic each other all the time. They were given to us as about 2 wk old ducklings &, not knowing anything about them, we thought we could raise them until they got bigger then turn them out onto our lake like the Muscovy. Little did we know, lol!!!! But they have provided us (mainly me) so much pleasure with their hilarious "adventures" & I just couldn't help but fall in love with them.

I hope you enjoy the pictures.

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