New plan! (LOTS O PICS, adding them as I go)

I cannot express how over winter I am, lol. I ended up falling asleep on the couch for a few hours this morning, all the decaf in the world couldn't keep me awake, lol. Someone blew the snow from my neighbor's driveway and across the whole street for her, but left me socked in. Since I got home, there's a few more inches of snow added to it, so I'm going to have to go out and shovel again, but I'm hoping to put it off until the city gets the street plowed! Every time it has snowed this year, my other half has been out of town or at work! I made him do the shoveling this AM before I took him to the airport, but he barely did enough to get the car out! Meaning I'll have to do a better job of it today... They are saying on the news that we got 8-15", which I totally believe, but worse yet is the sustained 20-30 MPH winds today! Gusting to 45! Yup, even if it isn't currently snowing, old Mom Nature is stirring it all up and keeping it blowing around....I really hate winter. If I ever get a chance to move anywhere I want to, I'm going somewhere it doesn't snow (often anyway)!
I kinda miss the snow, but not the cold. Snow like that would cause a state of emergency down here. They don't have snow plows or salt trucks in the south. If and when it does get a little snowy or icy... they throw some sand on it. Last month we got an ice strorm (1/2") then we got 2" of show on top of that, and they canceled school for a week, and declared a state of emergency.

So, when can I expect you in the southern region? Come on down!! Its been in the 60's and 70's for the last 2 weeks down here.
Lol, I haven't been "south" in many years...about 10 years ago I did one of those time share deals where they try to sell you 1 to 4 weeks in a condo in FL each year. I went when I was 20 (so, yeah...10 years) with a GF and we did 4 days in Ft. Lauderdale, 2 days on a cruise in the bahamas, and another 3 days in Kissimee. We loved the weather! Of, course, we were there in November, lol. I also did a time share deal the next year with my mother and sister, but we spent all 10 days in another smallish town near Disney World. Do you guys have the dinner thaeter things in Alabama too? We don't have those in the pacific norhwest! They are so much fun though!

I have been trying to talk my other half into doing a vacation that doesn't include visiting family for years now! He is such a home body though! Well, out to shovel more of the driveway...the wind was blowing it back at me earlier, not to mention the neighbor on the 4-wheeler plowing the road that kept tossing it back on me and what I was shoveling! And just to make it that much more fun to's 16 degrees outside!
I would have words with the 4 wheeler guy plowing and it wouldn't be "Merry Christmas," I get rabid about anyone covering the driveway back up after I do it. I even give the public works guy with his huge plow the stink eye and most times it works., he'll clear out the mess closer to me.
I'm starting to get sick, but I managed to help start building the rabbit hutch today. We did get it about half done. It's going to be really cool. It's a double hutch with 2 run area's and 2 nest box's. It will have 4 doors, 2 per side. The nest box's will have doors so we can put bedding in and pull the old out. The run area's will have doors to access the feed and water. We will be putting a tin roof on also. Of course we will be keeping them seperate until we figure out the sex's of them. Don't want any surprise bunnies for Easter.

We used the lumber I got yesterday and some other pieces we had laying aroung from the chicken coop. I had to run out today and pick up a small box of 16 penny nails and 4 sets of hinges for the doors. Total yesterday was $28 and todays total is $22. I had some 1/2" hardwire cloth left over from the run and that's what we are using for the rabbits too. The total size of the hutch is 4ft high (2ft off the ground for the bottom of the living area), 6ft long by 4ft wide. Each rabbit will have 2ft X 6ft of space to live in, which is pretty large as compared to some that I've seen.

Well, here's a couple pics to keep you entertained since you have the blizzard to contend with.

This is the newest baby bunny. The kids named him Midnight. We were told he was a he. And then here's a pic of the front with the holes into the nest box's.

And here is a picture of the sides. As you can see, we used some of the left over camo'd wood to make the nest box's. The orange is left over from another project also. That's my son down there painting.

And finally the nest box's. There will be 2 doors on this side to allow access to change the bedding. Decided to add a pic of my little chip off the old block right there. She's been measuring and marking all over the place all day. She really thought she was "helping to build the bunny a new home"!! Tooo cute!!

Well, hope you make it thru the snow and bizzard ok. Can't wait till you get back to working on it.
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Oh believe me...he got the stink eye every time he passed by me! Last time it was his son doing it (who is my age) and I called him a 7-letter word, lol. He came back and cleared out my driveway...I think he heard me, lol. But nope...the old man just glartes at me like I shouldn't be out shoveling my driveway!

AlabamaChickenLady - That is awesome work! I was gonna ask about the headless body under the hutch, but ya Such an adorable bunny! My first pet was a white rabbit I got for Easter when I was 3, he was bought from my aunt & uncle, but we loaned him back during breeding season, lol. That same year, I got my first kitten too! How I miss life on the ranch/farm, lol. We lived in the middle of cow patures (our horse pasture was bordered on 3 sides by cows too) when I was little.
I had this typed once my computer lost it
not me

SayWhat-Hope your wx is better this morning we are to have rain and wind
this morning,warm this afternoon then cold tonite late winter or early spring
fer sure i'm ready for spring. Hopefully I'm getting some day old silkies Mon

Alabama-That going to be a nice hutch-I never had rabbits but my BIL did some
years ago but my goodness he only had a 2'x2' for each pen. congrats on ur
carpenter and painter
peace ab

hey i didnt lose it this time
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The weather this week "blows", lol. It is a whopping 0 at the moment and we're supposed to "warm up" to a balmy 23 today. It is supposed to warm up to the 40's by Sunday, but still supposed to snow every day between now and the 6th! I'm guessing I won't have the coop and run built by the 16th, lol, when the chicks are supposed to get here! But, I know I still have a couple of months to get it done. I still need to talk my other half into getting the dog crate out of the shed for me to use as the brooder...the "ladder" to get up to the storage part of the shed is 2x4's and it goes straight up, I can't climb up it, let alone get down easily!
Nothing really new to's is still too cold to work outside! I did pick up a cheap roll of paper towels today for the brooder though.

19 days till the gals get here!
I so hate not being able to go out and put some work into the coop! But, I did get a bit of shopping done today instead, lol.

I got a thermometer for the coop and brooder, I hope it works out! They are on sale at Fred Meyer for $9.99 and have been since November, lol. It really wasn't 64 outside...the thermometer was still coming to temp!


I also picked myself up a goody because it was a good excuse to get new pruners! These wer $7.99, I got these for my basketweaving class that starts next Wednesday!


Oh, and when I got home...I got a phone call for a job interview! It's at Harbor Freight, lol. Not an ideal job, but a part-time gig to get me some spending money!

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