New plan! (LOTS O PICS, adding them as I go)

whysaywhat How is ur wx today its warm here 70 right now was clear but its getting cloudy

I am still
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Oh, you're mean! We're at 32 right now, a high of 36 today and there is snow on the ground! But, I will be getting out there today to hopefully attach the long wall that faces the "weather" side so I can get the tarp up and help protect against the sub-zero weather we have coming.

I am still in my pj's at the comp with coffee too though, lol.
And, I've changed my brooder plans (again), lol. Going to use the large dog crate we have in the shed...then I don't have to modify that rubbermaid tub at all and can just use it for something else!
Yeah, the snow melted away! It got to around 37 (well, it's 37 now anyway) and the sun came out to play today! So, I went out to at least put up the long wall that would take the brunt of any weather, since we have snow coming (supossedly). Not only did I get that wall up, I also got the other short wall up! I have to decide how/what I'm going to do to the other side still. I know a pop door and clean out door need to go there and the clean out door will for sure be on the right hand side. But, I'm trying to decide if I should have 2 access doors on that side or not. If I do...I'll have to put the pop door in the other access door, which might look really cool, but I am still trying to figure out how to cut the doors out! Well, here's what got done today (did I mention the hail flying at me while I was out there? lol)...

First thing I did was get the piece of plywood out there...turns out the piece was not only short in height, but in length as well! For the height issue, I attached a couple of boards I had taken off the first crate the form a "think" covered area on the crates. Since this is the shorter side of the crates and the boards are from a longer side...I cut about 12" off the second piece. The ply wood is flush with the flooring, but with the boards up top, there is a 1/8-1/4" gap for air flow. AT the far end (the right side from the front of the coop), there is a gap that is roughly 8" plan at the moment is to attach hardware cloth to provide air flow and a little sunshine in the coop.


If I change my mind, I can always piece together a wooden cover for the gap, I was going to attach this 1x6, but changed my mind when I was getting blinded by the sun, lol. Gave me the hardware cloth idea (which I can cover in plastic for winter)!


After that was attached, I decided to open up the clean out door area. I was going to leave that lower borad as a brace, but needed to climb in to get something, so it eventually came off too.


When that board needed to come off, I noticed the smaller of the two "legs" on the left side of the right crate was busted (there was a knot). That piece came off too, so that corner only has a 2x3 supporting it. That shouldn't be an issue though.


And on to the other wall I got up today! I had one piece of perfectly cut OSB left (the other identical piece is the other short wall). That side of the ground under the deck though is slightly higher than the back side though, so I did have to do a little cutting. I broke out the Dremel for this one! After that little bit of cutting, it fit perfectly!


I don't have any really good "cleaned up" shots of today...I was really starting to feel the cold! But, I think it is really starting to look like a coop!

Oh, the dryer vent! Before I went out this morning, I started a load in the dryer and so was getting to see just where it blows out and how much! The steam from the dryer just barely hits the corner closest to it, so I don't think I need to worry about it anymore, other than putting something around it to keep curious critters out of it, lol.

Also, as far as the height of the coop goes...when I stand next to it, the top of the floor area is about knee height. It makes it a nice spot to sit and rest when I need to, ol.
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I can't believe you are out in the 37 deg. cold building. That's just tooo cold!!

I just love your pictures. I can picture your completed coop already. Any ideas of making the front open space (on right) your large poop door? How about a couple of nesting boxes on the right outside wall? You know the kind that you open from outside the coop to get the eggs. I would love to have those kind, but the hubby don't like them. Man, I need my own tools. I used to have some.... but they died.

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