New plan! (LOTS O PICS, adding them as I go)

Good luck on the interview! You may get discounts!
U gonna use them prouners to klip their toe nails
Just kiddin'
I'm Coeur d' Alene, it's Sunday 1pm --snowed all day so far, sposed to snow all night and again Monday night. O.K. w/ me, I plow 12 businesses. The gettin' up a 3am sucks! The coop projects are on hold huh?
Thingum - Lol, no..the pruners are from a basketweaving class I'm taking through SCC! I figute $50 for 3 baskets and the skill to make more in the future is worth it.
We haven't had any snow in Spokane today, you can keep it too, lol. And yes, for the most part, the coop is on hold until I can get out there! The snow is blocking the gates from the front and I don't want to trek all my wood & supplies into my house, up the stairs to the back deck, and back down the stairs there. Eventually we want to get a door installed, but for now we work with what we have, lol. I have a friend frm high school that moved to CdA this past fall, but have yet to make it out there myself.

This week is going to be busy enough without the coop! Monday/Tuesday is a nephew's birthday (leap year baby), I have an interview on Tuesday (first one in 3 years!), and Wednesday I start my basketweaving class! Also, Wednesday is pool league, so I have to be home to get dinner going early...and I usually go out while he's playing pool with a friend of mine. I also have 18 days (including what's left of today) to get my brooder set up! I mentioned using the dog crate yesterday and you should have seen the fit my SO had! It was kind of'd think my not wanting to mutilate the rubbermaid tub would be met with more enthusiasm, lol. So, it looks like I have to get the top of the lid cut off and figure a way to attach the hardware cloth. I hope he isn't too attached to the giant container of zip-ties he has in his office...
Hello, just checking in. Still down with this miserable flu!
Hope your snow and cold pass so you can get some work done.

As for the rubbermade tub. You can make a wooden frame for the top and attach/staple the hardwire cloth to it. That way you can just lay it over the top of the tub and remove it quickly if you need too. You will need to allow for the heat lamp to attach to it also.

Anyone mention the little game the chicks like to play called "play dead"? LOL They will lay in all sorts of weird ways when they go to sleep and you will freak out thinking they are dead. I would freak out about 2-3 times per day for the first week.
Good luck @ Harbor Freight, the one on Francis ?? or the one in the Valley??

Quote -- "Build her hell for stout, "pretty" always takes care of herself." ... Charlie Settlemeyer
Hello I picked up 6 silkie chicks yesterday 330pm the last one hatched abt 1pm

They are doing some of that crazy sleeping, really pretty active tho for day old.

Alabama sorry u got that flue bug its been bad here-seems to really hang on this year.

whysay u got a busy week good luck on ur interview--not gonna tell u the temp here today
I'll just say goodby winter
for today anyway-peace ab
Lol! High temps...sheesh! My mom called today to tell me they're supposed to have high 50's tommorow and wanted to know if I'd be out working on the coop! Nope...we're still supposed to get 8" of snow by the end of tommorow!

Thingum - The one on Francis, by Albertson's. I hope it's for that store and they aren't just doing all the interviews in one place, it is about 4 blocks from my house! (Also, it is the one I do all my shopping at, lol.)

Yuck for the flu, Alabama! I was down for a little over a week with a head cold, that was bad enough for me! I get my flu shot every year and this year my doctor made me get a pneumonia shot as well. I really don't know why...I haven't had the flu or pneumonia in over 20 years! I should mention I will never get that shot again! It's a live virus injection and mybody did not handle it well at all! I felt twice as bad as I did when I had the cold and for nearly as long too! I had a fever and the injection site was hot to the touch for about 4 days.
Well, if you have any questions about making your basket you just let me know. I use to teach years ago. I've never seen garden pruners but for cutting reed, they will work.

Today 4:32 pmHello, just checking in. Still down with this miserable flu! Hope your snow and cold pass so you can get some work done.

As for the rubbermade tub. You can make a wooden frame for the top and attach/staple the hardwire cloth to it. That way you can just lay it over the top of the tub and remove it quickly if you need too. You will need to allow for the heat lamp to attach to it also.

Anyone mention the little game the chicks like to play called "play dead"? LOL They will lay in all sorts of weird ways when they go to sleep and you will freak out thinking they are dead. I would freak out about 2-3 times per day for the first week.

I'm sorry you have the flu. Drink plenty of soup and you should start feeling better. Crackers help too. As for the chicks sleeping....... wow, you should see baby ducks...... LOL! Sometimes you can't figure out what you are looking at. They sleep in the most strange way. Not only that but they sleep almost on top of each other and it's hard to figure out who go with which body part. They they will look right at you as if their eyes are crossed. OMG, just too funny.

I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next with the coop.​
Thanks for the get well wishes. Its been 3 days so far and the thought of a week is depressing.

I just had to go out to check on my chickens today. I didn't go into the coop or run because I didn't want to risk making my flock sick. Although I don't think thats possible. Anyway, they all came running up to the fence when they seen me coming. They wanted the treats I usually bring them. I sat just outside the fence talking to them for a few minutes. Then I started to see them in 3D.... looked like their heads were coming thru the fence for me to pet them. Took me a minute to figure out it wasn't real.... I started to reach out to them. That's when I decided it was time to go back to bed!! Up now for soup and more meds.... then back to bed for the night.

WhySayWhat.... wish you well on the interview. Would be nice to work that close to home!

ABChicken..... hope your enjoying your little silkies!! Silkies are just so darn cute!!

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