New Poultry Gal Pal

Hello! I have had a small flock for nearing a year soon but since the world has been on lockdown it has been difficult to network and talk about poultry business! Therefore I figured I would give this site a shot since I have visited it a few times over this period. I absolutely love chickens, watching them and their silly antics, and I am very happy I stepped into this world! I am super interested in poultry genetics (breeding, egg color/size, etc) and understanding the science behind chicken maintenance and care. Looking forward to delving deeper into this site, gaining wisdom and insight, and making some friendly acquaintances along the way! :love
Glad you finally spoke up! We'd like to see pics of your Girls and set-up. Do you have a rural property? Near a town or city for easier access to resources and biz delivery? Look forward to hearing more!
Glad you finally spoke up! We'd like to see pics of your Girls and set-up. Do you have a rural property? Near a town or city for easier access to resources and biz delivery? Look forward to hearing more!
Oh I will definitely show them off in time! I have a super busy week right now but some of them are showcased in my avatar! I have a coop with about 1/5 or 1/4 acre for them to meander, in a rural area but not far off from town. There are a lot of farming supply stores not too far off in all directions so that is a blessing! Not a lot of predators but I did have 1 eagle attack, put up aerial defence and have had no more issues!

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