I have 4 golden cuckoo marans hens but no rooster and i cant find one around here. So this is my idea, I have two lavender orp hens and two lav roostesr and a barred olive egger rooster and hen. Pics will be posted of the OE. What group do yall think will produce the best project? Putting my french golden cuckoos with my lavender orps or putting my goldens in with my barred olive egger? Any input will be great. Both of my OEs have beards and muffs
Or I could put my goldens in the pen with my black copper and splash marans roosters.
OE Rooster
OE Eggs
OE Hen
Or I could put my goldens in the pen with my black copper and splash marans roosters.
OE Rooster
OE Eggs
OE Hen
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