New Pullets


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 15, 2009
HELP!!!!!! Last night we introduced 3 4 month old pullets to our 5 10 month old pullets/hens and to day the older ones will not let the younger ones out in the light, near the food or water.
How do we correct this or will it rectify itself.
The older ones just chase the younger ones off but do not seem to be attacking them.
Any help or suggestions will be helpful.

Set up multiple food/water stations for the time being. That way the youngsters will be able to eat and drink. If they're just being push and not super aggresive it should work itself out eventually. Keep a close eye on things though because that can change and once someone gets bloody they'll all pile on.

If you have the room it's usually a good idea to start with "together, but seperate" by making a pen within the pen so they can see/hear each other, but not have any direct contact.

Good luck. Integrating new birds into the flock is always such fun

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