New puppy dying of Parvo... (BOWEL MOVEMENT PICTURES WARNING)

My coonhound pup had parvo. She pulled through it after 3 days of hopitalization and iv's. When we brought her home, we kept her littermate away from her so that she wouldn't get it. Also, we fed boiled rice and venison. She came through it as good as new but I wouldn't bring her around other puppies, even once she's better. The problem with parvo positive dogs is that even though they might be better, they are still carriers and can still pass it on. The only way to guard against it is vaccinating but that's not 100%.
In most vet clinics, if a puppy comes up positive with parvo the examination room is scrubbed with bleach and closed off for 2-3 weeks. If you can possibly keep your other dogs away from where the puppy was vomiting and defecating for a similar time span that would be ideal. Hopefully your little one will be alright...thankfully technology is so much better these days that more and more pups are pulling through ok.
I kicked all the puppies out of the house (much to their dismay and sadness
). The sick puppy threw up all over my couch and other non-bleachable things. The couch is not even in the slightest paid off yet.
I can remove the upholstery...I may just wash it in the washer again and sun it outside for a couple days. Gargh.
When you say all the puppies, do you mean actual puppies, or are you referring to adult dogs? Are your other dogs all current on their vaccines?

Please call the shelter this pup came from, and tell them everything going on - whether they want to hear it or not, they need to know.

My deepest hopes that your pup pulls through, and all your dogs at home will be ok. Talk to your Vet about any products they can suggest to clean your non-bleachable surfaces. I know there are a number of products on the market. I used to spray my clothes with something, seems like it could have been called parvaway? I volunteered at an animal shelter, and wanted to do my best to ensure my dogs at home would remain safe.

To my knowledge, there is no known amount of time Parvo can live dormant in soil. I have heard as long as 2 years. Please do everything in your power to disinfect your place, and do not bring any other puppie into your home until they are fully vaccinated.
Bleach is one of the few things that does kill Parvo at as low as a 30 parts water to 1 part Bleach or 1 cup per Gallon. If I get any kind of virus in my pups I take everything apart that is in contact with the pups and using a pump up sprayer I hose everything off. let it set for 10 minutes and rinse. I then spray shoes off and dump my clothing in the washer, also with bleach.
Parvo is a very insidious disease and, as it has been said before, survive on the ground in the snow in the heat for up to 9 months or better. I have killed lots of grass. it usually comes back though. There is also a new strain of Parvo called C-2 but I am not aware if there is a separate vaccination for it yet or if the original forms of vaccination are all that are available.
Though it's a slightly different chemical my vet said the color safe bleach kills parvo. And color safe bleach you can use on shoes and couches and carpet and the car you transported the sick puppy in.

I rescued a Great Pyr pup and she had parvo at 10 wks, I know your pain.

There are actually two strains of parvo, one bad, one not as bad. I caught Mac's parvo almost immediately and had her in the vet the day after I got her. Long before she had the smelly poops. So three days at the vet got her well.

Your girl could of been already infected with parvo before the shelter or at the shelter and if given a vaccine while infected it generally does nothing to stop the disease.

The shelter needs to know because other dogs adopted in the time frame may have been exposed.

Most shelters bleach like all dogs have something. At least the two I worked did.

Many dogs who have had even a full set of vaccines still get parvo - some dog's immune systems will not form titers. No titers, no immunity.

Rotts are a breed you can vaccinate til the cows come home and many of the will still get it, labs are another.

My Mac made it. Prayers for your baby.
We had a puppy that contracted Parvo at the vet's, thanks to their idiotic practices. She made it
We just threw out a lot of things; anything other than stainless steel food and water bowls which we bleached, all their toys, bones, 'their' sofa, their bedding. Basically we tried to start from scratch as much as we could.

Our vets (both the old one and our new one) told us that store bought vaccines are often to blame for limited protection, either because the product itself is inferior or the storage/administration was not correct. In our case she'd have been fine if it wasn't for the dumbass vet, but that's another story. Our new vet will give us vaccine to administer to our dogs rather than have us buy it from the feedstore. We have too many big dogs and live too far from town to take them all in at once!
the vaccs that are at a store other then a vet are the same as the vets use..they only tell you that so you buy from them..may be a different brand,but if the vets are buying that brand its the same thing..I have heard of many many HS dogs having parvo..they have no idea what they bring in on a daily bases,they do not quarantene,they put new dogs in with ones that have been there..and I really wonder if they get vaccinated as really half the staff dont know crap.Many dogs are up for adoption the day after they arrive,sense parvo takes 10-14 days to show symptoms,many of these dogs are in new homes before you know they are sick..HS are a good thing,but the care practices some of them have are a little suspect.
So don't buy them from the feedstore or pay your vets prices. Have them shipped on ice to you at about 1/5th the cost. That's proper handling, it comes on ice, you put it in the fridge til you use it. You pay 1/5 to a 1/10th what the vet will charge you and less still than the feed store. And you KNOW it was handled correctly, because you handled it.
These websites have vaccines:

KV Vet
Valley Vet
Jeffers Equine Supply has awesome vaccines.

There are others, those are the ones I use.

Don't be subject to a vet's prices if you can help it.

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