New puppy gets her "Comin' to Jeezus" yesterday.

I hope you gave that girl (and the others who joined in) some special treats!!! Too bad you didn't get a video of the thrashing!
LOL, I would have let the chickens "teach the dog" too. When mine are bigger I am going to let them do the same with our dog. She is terribly afraid of our cats, so I am sure it will work.
We had a 100+ lb Akita (a breed that typically is NOT people friendly or animal friendly) who loved our animals. He would run around the yard with our cat in his mouth (the cat would just hang there!) and when I cleaned the guinea pig cage I would put them in the laundry basket and tell him to "watch the piggies" and he would lean over and lick each one. I would have loved to see what he would do with chickens! He was an awesome dog. It will be interesting to see how our labbie mix reacts... she is usually very tolerant of anything unless it is outside the perimeter of our yard. Of course, I would never leave another animal alone with the chickens!!!
Funny story thanks for sharing
This is how we train our pups, put um in the middle of a flock, momma hens,momma goose and guinea hens are great teachers.



Is the labradoodle a puppy? If not, I'd leave well enough alone. I would NEVER trust my dog with my chickens, she goes into prey-drive mode anytime she is near them... but she was a full grown dog when we got chickens.

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