New Quail Chicks! -- I think we hatched an albino?

Took a couple of 2.5 week update shots! Unfortunately, we had some bad luck with this group and lost a few a bit later than we usually expect to...
  • We learned that one of our cats can undo latches.... unfortunate for Black Eyes. :(
  • Yellow had a mysterious limp one day, no visible injury, and the next had passed.
  • Bandito also passed after about a week - no idea what caused it, but we were especially heartbroken about him.
The remaining six are doing well, though! Little albino (renamed Shrieksy because of her tendency to yell) has pretty certainly gone blind. She still gets around perfectly well on her own, though, and eats and drinks without a problem. We'll probably keep her and a buddy or two in a hutch as a pet as long as she continues to do okay.



Looks like Crazy Legs Alcatraz is a little pearl - and a girl, I think?

Red is, unsurprisingly, an scarlett(?) I think? I have a hard time with the specific color breakdowns - not sure if feather sexable or not.

Detective Squint looks to be some variety of pharaoh. Probably male, judging by the red on his chest? but there's spots too, so I'm not sure.


Punk Rock is... hard for me to identify. Grau fee, probably? The barring on the chest is very pretty, and I love her dramatic eye makeup.


And BEAN!! Who is my favorite - she's the most confident quail I've ever met, and is happy to just sit on my lap forever and gently stand in my hand. She likes to stand right at the front of the brooder and tease the cat, and she isn't afraid of no things. I'm not really sure what to call her color, but she'll probably be Shrieksy's hutch buddy as long as they turn out to be the same sex. :')
Took a couple of 2.5 week update shots! Unfortunately, we had some bad luck with this group and lost a few a bit later than we usually expect to...
  • We learned that one of our cats can undo latches.... unfortunate for Black Eyes. :(
  • Yellow had a mysterious limp one day, no visible injury, and the next had passed.
  • Bandito also passed after about a week - no idea what caused it, but we were especially heartbroken about him.
The remaining six are doing well, though! Little albino (renamed Shrieksy because of her tendency to yell) has pretty certainly gone blind. She still gets around perfectly well on her own, though, and eats and drinks without a problem. We'll probably keep her and a buddy or two in a hutch as a pet as long as she continues to do okay.

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Looks like Crazy Legs Alcatraz is a little pearl - and a girl, I think?
View attachment 3493795
Red is, unsurprisingly, an scarlett(?) I think? I have a hard time with the specific color breakdowns - not sure if feather sexable or not.
View attachment 3493798View attachment 3493799
Detective Squint looks to be some variety of pharaoh. Probably male, judging by the red on his chest? but there's spots too, so I'm not sure.

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Punk Rock is... hard for me to identify. Grau fee, probably? The barring on the chest is very pretty, and I love her dramatic eye makeup.

View attachment 3493800View attachment 3493801

And BEAN!! Who is my favorite - she's the most confident quail I've ever met, and is happy to just sit on my lap forever and gently stand in my hand. She likes to stand right at the front of the brooder and tease the cat, and she isn't afraid of no things. I'm not really sure what to call her color, but she'll probably be Shrieksy's hutch buddy as long as they turn out to be the same sex. :')
Awe I’m sorry for your losses. 😔 That’s actually what happened to my blind quail. A cat. I had them out in a pen outside so they could be in the grass, and I was absent maybe 20 minutes and a cat reached through and grabbed him. So sad. And I know it was a cat because it tried to come back later that night to get into their hutch. That didn’t happen. I guess some inebriated lady had been feeding stray cats on our road, immediately down our driveway. We put a stop to that real quick. I was so upset because I had spend SO much time with him to make sure he was healthy.
He did get picked on by other males so I ended up putting him with all my mellow females and he was happy, he liked to hide though.
I had a feeling your little albino would be blind. Mine was all white too but originally had the normal colored eyes that eventually turned almost white.
I love your little Red one. Reminds me of my Summer. She’s a Coturnix but a ginger one. Keep updates on the albino! I’ve got a soft spot for blind quail!
Took a couple of 2.5 week update shots! Unfortunately, we had some bad luck with this group and lost a few a bit later than we usually expect to...
  • We learned that one of our cats can undo latches.... unfortunate for Black Eyes. :(
  • Yellow had a mysterious limp one day, no visible injury, and the next had passed.
  • Bandito also passed after about a week - no idea what caused it, but we were especially heartbroken about him.
The remaining six are doing well, though! Little albino (renamed Shrieksy because of her tendency to yell) has pretty certainly gone blind. She still gets around perfectly well on her own, though, and eats and drinks without a problem. We'll probably keep her and a buddy or two in a hutch as a pet as long as she continues to do okay.

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View attachment 3493794
Looks like Crazy Legs Alcatraz is a little pearl - and a girl, I think?
View attachment 3493795
Red is, unsurprisingly, an scarlett(?) I think? I have a hard time with the specific color breakdowns - not sure if feather sexable or not.
View attachment 3493798View attachment 3493799
Detective Squint looks to be some variety of pharaoh. Probably male, judging by the red on his chest? but there's spots too, so I'm not sure.

View attachment 3493796View attachment 3493797
Punk Rock is... hard for me to identify. Grau fee, probably? The barring on the chest is very pretty, and I love her dramatic eye makeup.

View attachment 3493800View attachment 3493801

And BEAN!! Who is my favorite - she's the most confident quail I've ever met, and is happy to just sit on my lap forever and gently stand in my hand. She likes to stand right at the front of the brooder and tease the cat, and she isn't afraid of no things. I'm not really sure what to call her color, but she'll probably be Shrieksy's hutch buddy as long as they turn out to be the same sex. :')
Here was my little blind guy. His name was actually “Pinhead.” Cause he had a really small head. Lol.


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