New Red Golden Sanctuary.....building a new home for my trio...What do ya think ... P.S. thanks chic

Haha how many rabbits do you have? Have you thought about adding quail in your aviary?
I only have 3 but they are Giants. I plan to use two of the three garden bed Coop toppers to grow out my baby rabbits, I can put each of the Girls in their own little cement sided dome with a nest box and plenty of spent greens. Our Bunnies have been raised in movable ground pens so they have access to plenty of natural food. They Love it, part the lawn gets mowed and we save a TON on feed! I'm hoping this plan will help with feed costs on the grow out.

Tiny Dancer and Little China Girl at 8wks and 5lbs...they weigh 12 and 10 now, but will not be full grown till next April.

2ft wide

My husband is 6'2" for scale reference.

the run is 4 ft long and the hutch is a little over 2ft

Hardware cloth around all the chewable corners and the sides
and an old crib frame screwed in to the bottom ...No escapes or damage to wire in 6 months. Great recycling project!
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Can you post more pictures of the landscaping and maybe show a diagram of it.

Here is a rough sketch of the hardscaping and plants. I did not include mosses as they are growing on rocks and tucked in corners.
As for Quail, I do keep coturnix but I don't want to add anything yet till I get my flight built off the front, I know that I'm at a minimum sq footage so I won't overcrowd.
How ever I am thinking about scale quail in my next project. A 12x47 hoophouse convert with a 12x16 shed at 1 end and a small 6x6 hut in the rear, I want to give it a faux rock face and separate entrance.
Quote: You're very welcome, birdman55 is right,RG is red golden for nesting Tony said he used bushel baskets, the nests in my Aviary are 3ft long bushel and a half baskets that were propped on plastic shoe shelves to keep them from getting too moist, but they're so camouflaged with the tall grass and leaves that all you see if the entrance. I'll take you some more pics tomorrow.
wow seems like your the little landscaper yourself...I used to landscape for work.....its hard work...but it looks so pretty
YES!!! It is my third passion, behind Nursing and Birds!!! I used to work at Busch Gardens Tampa, I did several plant displays there and a prizewinning Orchid Arch at the 2004 St Pete Garden Show. That's the only thing I ever miss about the big city...out here in the sticks all the Good Ole Country Boys got it all locked down here so I had to change carriers. Nursing is better though...but I still get my fix in my own yard
cool ill put something in each one of my pens and see if they use for tampa busch gardens...I went was so cool...especially the air trolley....or whatever its called....anyways keep up the good work
Tony I noticed you don't put any post in the ground. How does work for you. Would save a lot of work for myself!

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