New rescue hen- so many questions!


designated lawn flamingo
9 Years
May 27, 2010
Reno, Nevada
Last night on craigslist I found an ad for a free frizzle hen. The ad said that she had issues getting along with other chickens and that she had been plucked by the others. There was no picture.

Now from this I figured that she was getting picked on and couldn't cope with being in a pen with bigger chickens. So I figured she would do better in my big backyard with my mild mannered girls.

Anywhoo, when I went to pick her up I was not prepared for how bald she really was. Is this REALLY all from feather picking? I see now what the lady meant by her not getting along with other chickens. She keeps trying to fight all of my girls and my rooster through the fence of her pen. So she definitely has attitude. She was in about an eight by eight pen with five other chickens and a doghouse. When can I expect some regrowth?

Also, she is VERY heavy. Like, super fat. What the heck kind of chicken is she? She's incredibly loud- much louder than my rooster when he crows. She is obviously part cochin but she has a very wide head, do you think she's a Cornish cross?

If this is in the wrong spot, please move it mods.



OMG! LOL! Im sorry but she looks so funny! Put some sunscrean on her bum!! I would think if they were pecking her that there would be blod or scabs. I wonder if she has something weird going on. She kinda growns on you though. Poor girl. Maybe sew her some clothes?? Good luck and please post pixs if she get feathers.
LOL Yeah shes pretty sad looking. I like how she still has a little curly collar around her neck! Good thing it's so hot right now but I hope she gets some feathers before winter
OMG - the poor thing! She really is a mess.

I'm sorry, but I haven't a clue as to what frizzifried or sizzledizzled cross she could be. The remaining feathers look more like sizzle than frizzle, but that's about all I can determine.
Oh that poor pathetic looking Queenie~ I hope she feathers out real fast so we can see what exactly she is...she's so ugly she's cute!!!! That last photo is priceless!!!
It could be a few things. I have had a couple if mine molt that almost looked like that. lol Sometimes birds will pull their own feathers out. Or, if she was a good bit different, the other hens might have pulled her feathers. Also, I have heard of featherless chickens. There is a recessive gene that can be brought out. There is a person on this forum that was trying to breed them. I am not sure if that is what is happening, but it would be interesting.
The last owner was saying that she got her last winter, and I do not see a chicken this naked and living in a doghouse being able to survive our frozen winters. I just wish I knew more about her. There was another baldy frizzle in the pen with her and I asked the lady if I could take that one too an she said no (I don't see why?) . They were in with a black austrolarp (sp?) and a couple of barred rocks. I'd like for it to be molt, but there are no pin feathers on her neck or lower back. The feathers on her chest an wings look like they had been stripped
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That's exactly what happened. When you mate a frizzle to a frizzle you get 1/2 frizzle, 1/4 smooth, and 1/4 frazzle. Frazzle is when the birds feathers are super frizzled, and are extremely brittle. They end up falling off, leaving bald spots with red irritated skin. Your bird is a frazzle, explaining her baldness.
Zaxby's2 :

That's exactly what happened. When you mate a frizzle to a frizzle you get 1/2 frizzle, 1/4 smooth, and 1/4 frazzle. Frazzle is when the birds feathers are super frizzled, and are extremely brittle. They end up falling off, leaving bald spots with red irritated skin. Your bird is a frazzle, explaining her baldness.

Will they grow back? What can I do for her?​

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