New rescued ducks. Need advice

Sep 3, 2021
East TN
So my friend whom lives in apartments has a son that loves farm life and he continues to purchase chickens, ducks, once a pig, etc. He always finds them a home since my friend has to tell him no. His last purchase was 12 chicks and 6 ducklings. He found them a home but they were not providing properly for the ducks and all but 2 have died. My friend has asked if the 2 remaining ducks can come to my farm and of course I said yes. Well it has been a while since I have had ducks and these 2 look very bad, I think. I know they were never provided more then a water dish and chicken food. I found out a few days ago they would be coming and I purchased flock feeder not knowing they were still young so I have mixed the flock feed and chick grower together. I have provided them with a large kiddie pool and they now seem to be grooming. They are Pekin and very dirty so I am hoping the pool helps them get clean. Both seem to have many bare area on their back, I don't remember if this is normal. Honestly any help I can get on getting them in better shape I will happily take. I am considering adding niacin powder to their feed since their legs seem slightly weak but I think they were housed in a dog house and not allowed to walk much. Please any suggestions on getting them back on track to being happy and healthy I will gladly take. 20211023_151946.jpg 20211023_152050.jpg 20211023_152854.jpg
Bless you for taking them in. They have been through lot in their short lives.. But you are on the right track to getting them going in the right direction. Flock raiser or all flock feed is fine for them or mixing like you said. I would get Liquid B complex for their legs. It works faster and helps better than just niacin by itself. TSC carries one called Durvet Many of us have used it with great success.
With your care I am betting they will be beautiful and healthy in no time.
The best way to give the liquid B complex is over a tasty treat. mealworms work well, smashed peas etc. putting any in water is just going to weaken it. You want each duck to get 1ml of Liquid B complex daily.
Please keep us updated on how they are doing.
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They look like different ducks already! As long as they can get in and out, I'd just leave them to bathe on their own. Let them get used to everything. My runners that I got a few months ago wouldn't go in the trough at first and it didn't take long for them to get in. But then just last night they were standing in the trough while I was filling it up! 🤣 I'd have some rubber bowls around and I'm sure they will get in one of those. Every duck seems infatuated with dirting up their drinking water. 😆
Bless you for taking them in. They have been through lot in their short lives.. But you are on the right track to getting them going in the right direction. Flock raiser or all flock feed is fone for them or mixing like you said. I would get Liquid B complex for their legs. It works faster and helps better than just niacin by itself. TSC carries one called Duvet Many of us have used it with great sucess.
With your care I am betting they will be beautiful and healthy in no time.
The best way to give the liquid B complex is over a tasty treat. mealworms work we'' smashed peas etc. putting any in water is just going to weaken it. You want each duck to get 1ml of Liquid B complex daily.
Please keep us updated on how they are doing.

Thank you so much
Is this what you are referring to? Or is there an oral solution? We keep this on hand for our goats

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