New Section: BYC Online Poultry Show

we should most def. include other breeds of poultry.
We should get at least 5-10 judges. Nifty-Chicken, would you like to be a judge? And the moderators too? I would most def. be a judge. Don't judge your own birds though. Judges can enter their birds though. We shouldnt be as specific as actual poultry judges... like dont pay attention to every little thing. I will post the rules I have made so far in this form. We'll have to start making new threads. It's all up to you on when we make new threads Nifty-Chicken:p Anyones input is welcome. Any ideas on rules and categories. Thanks for the categories so far tiki.
Like I said any input is welcome.
Thanks everyone.
And thanks Nifty-Chicken!
Okay. I've gotten a lot of requests to make a new thread. So here it is.
Rules (anymore ideas go ahead and post them and I will add them.. incase I didnt cover everything):

1. This thread is for fun. It is not a huge competition. For your birds, maybe it could be
2. Don't get upset if your bird doesn't win.
3. There are no prizes involved.
4. Post the breed of your bird & the category it falls under.
5. Post whether your bird is a rooster or hen.
6. Try to just stick to pictures and voting. Comments on birds are welcome, as long as they are friendly.

Those are some of the rules so far. If you have any more ideas to add I will gladly post them here.

^Those are all the rules that I made on the other thread. Like I put on the other thread, let's keep this friendly.
I love this idea, but I do think there should be a prize for a motivation. It would get old if no one won anything, even if it was just pic of the week, or a name and pic in a book of winners. Can we enter more than once? and how do you post pictures on thread anyway? I have issues with computers. (I am blonde...) Well, keep this up for sure. It will be great. It will teach everyone morea bout showing. I need to learn more before I get to the real thing later this summer.

Well winners get either a pic of the week. I was hoping the admin would make a main page catagory called "08 contest winners" with the name of the owner and chicken plus a little bio
On a forum I used to visit they had like a show every month.. The show would have classes.. And it was pretty much like a real show.. The people who are showing would turn in there pictures and then the jusdges would have a month (too long) to judge the pics... Than they would announce the winners.. The winers of course would only get bragging rights and there userename out beside the pic.. There are different rules that I know and if you would like to know just reply..

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