New Section: BYC Online Poultry Show

I would like to be a judge
I think if we become judges though we can still post pics but we cant judge our own. also people who bribe the judges with things should be disqualified. If they can bribe online
Ya'll are doing a great job, keep it up!


• Agreed, people shouldn't be a judge for contests where they have a submission
• Should there be multiple judges per competition?
• BYC can sponsor prizes, but I'm not going to promise anything until we see how some of these go (I don't want BYC on the hook for 30 prizes the first month).

• As this gets going a member (or couple of members) can create BYC Personal Pages with thumbnails and details of the winners for each contest.

Keep up the good work!
Do you still need the classes of poultry? I can make a list of the classes and what breeds go under each one if youd like? I will just copy it from my Standard of Perfection,...

Edited to say: If needed I would love to be a judge, since I dont have any birds to take pics of and submit. I would love to help judge since I do go to alot of actual shows? Althought it should be noted, can only judge so much of a bird with one pic, maybe we should do this:

Since a real judge looks thouroughly over a bird everyone should sudmit at least 6 pics (if possible). Something like this:

Pic 1: Left Side
Pic 2: Right Side
Pic 3: Front view
Pic 4: Back view
Pic 5: Head shot
Pic 6: Feet shot

This insures that every bird can be looked at as closely as possible with only pics. You can see the correct eye color, leg color, comb size and shape, points on the comb, foot feathering, wing carriage, tail carriage and shape, head shape, beak color, etc. Just a thought?

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I think we should change judges for every different class. Example: For the english breed class the judges could be nifty, me and S n M. Then the best standard rooster would be a different set of judges. What do yall think? If we do it that way then everyone online can put there pic on without being excluded
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Are we doing pullets and cockerels or just roosters and hens?

Do you think we'll have to worry about favoritism because the judges can see the names of the entries's owners?

I agree on the multiple pictures this also will stop people from just getting any picture offline.

Are we starting right away and do we have a starting date? Because I know quite a few of my white chickens will need a bath and some primping before they show.
I Think there will be a starting date later in the future. We just got to get everything down first.

With favoritism I think the people would be disqualified. But I dont know how we will find out. I think we should limit how many people can post a pic in each class to limit favoritism. Example would be the same as my judges answer. so if i where to pst a pic I could put it 1 in the rooster area and one in another area and that is all i can do. That should stop favoritism.

i cant answer about the pullet and cockeral. Its up to nifty.
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