New Section: BYC Online Poultry Show

We would have to ask Nifty but it would be neat if the people that were judging at that time could have a thing that says BYC Poultry Show Judge..
Instead of Member or whatever yours says..
Thanks Blaine:D
i was the first person to post pics in both categories

Your right maybe we should assign on judge for every class. i can do turkeys red raider can do the games or somthing like that
but then how doe we taly up the votes? We have to limit down the users in each class I think?

tiki how do the poultry shows limit there number of people that want to be judged?
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i think they have 1 judge for every 2 catagory but im not sure. I think we should scratch the points idea and go with this one but we have to agree on what we wanna do
I am with you on that. Maybe there is a way nifty could set up a point system for the users on BYC. 1-10 and the users pick who they like. we see who has the highest votes and then we got our winner

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