new silkie - is she sick? PICS

OK - I am getting all set up for the bath and blow dry. I have a nice box with a screen on top so she can hang out inside till she's all dry. I will post a follow up pic today.

How do I know how much terramyacin to put in her water? The directions are confusing.
thanks. So, I just bathed her with puppy shampoo twice. Then put glycerin in the rinse water. She is sparkling clean. But the smell of her is still nauseating to me. What is that? Sweet sickly nasty. Like pee - but different.
Also, As I was blow drying her - I came across a lot of white bugs in her hair. They clearly didn't get washed away. They are alive. Mites I am assuming. Am I going to get them? I am so disgusted. I don't know what to do next. I put some DE in her bedding. Will that take care of it? Will my other birds have mites now too? Maybe they did already - but since I don't blow dry them, I never saw them? I am just grossed out and itchy now.
I think what you're smelling is the infection discharge. Most likely, she's preening and smearing it on her feathers. Yogurt would be a good thing to feed her as well. VetRX is kind of like vaporrub for chickens and it smells nice too.

IMO, DE is more a preventative. Sevin or Poultry Dust will help an active infestation. At least make sure you apply some DE on her and make sure you rub it in well.
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ooo - yogurt! Awesome! SO this sevin - where do I get that? DE has to be food grade - same with sevin?
So can people get the mites? It is kind of freaking me out!
Oh my goodness. I am feeling kind of overwhelmed right now. So, can I eat the eggs of the birds that I treat with Sevin or frontline? I mean - I have a dog and I don't even like to use frontline on him. That stuff kind of freaks me out and then I am going to get eggs that I am scared to eat!! AHHH. Darn mites!
I think your chicken may have lice, not mites. Mites actually drown pretty easily and are dark colored tiny specks. They don't really look like bugs, as much as just specks that move. Lice are lighter colored and much larger.

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