My mother-inlaw had a fake fireplace that she bought at a craft sale. It was made from rigid foam insulation so it was easy to move. They glued a basic fireplace shape, used a tool to create mortar lines and painted the surface to look like red brick. It was actually really cute, and she could pull it out for christmas by herself, decorate it, and then after new years day, back into the attic it went. It gave her a 9 inch deep mantle to decorate and somewhere to hang the stockings - no worry about decorations catching fire or melting. A neighbor would go into the woods and bring her some paper birch logs to stack in the firebox.
My mother-inlaw had a fake fireplace that she bought at a craft sale. It was made from rigid foam insulation so it was easy to move. They glued a basic fireplace shape, used a tool to create mortar lines and painted the surface to look like red brick. It was actually really cute, and she could pull it out for christmas by herself, decorate it, and then after new years day, back into the attic it went. It gave her a 9 inch deep mantle to decorate and somewhere to hang the stockings - no worry about decorations catching fire or melting. A neighbor would go into the woods and bring her some paper birch logs to stack in the firebox.
I actually like that idea especially for down here in the desert. Eventually we plan to put in a wood stove with mantle, but that would work for now :)
That will be fine with me. Think I will do then one of the blog I posted before......I love this blogs and they are not so hard to do

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